Chapter 3

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"Wow, you really stole the show there, Josie."

I smiled innocently. "What can I say? I was just doing what the cards told me to do."

Lottie laughed. "I think you might have gone a little bit beyond that, but I admire you for it. And I can respect that you chose not to kiss another girls' partner when you had the chance. Right, ladies?"

"I'm not sure what's worse," Hannah said, "kissing one of our boys, or putting that image into their heads?"

"We're just going to have to take the power back into our own hands," Hope said. "I think I'm going to need to step up my game tonight. Do us a favour and wear something shabby, okay Josie?"

"I'll try, but I'm not sure 'shabby' was the look I was going for when I packed my outfits."

Nope, definitely did not bring anything shabby. Even my undergarments are nice.

"Hold up," Marisol said. "Am I the only one who's dying to know about this threesome Josie had?"

The girls turned to me in eager curiosity.

"Who was it with?"

"Was it hot? What's it like?"

"Wait, who said there was only one?" I laughed. The girls stared at me in shock. "Okay, it did only happen the one time. It was in uni, I had hooked up with this guy a few times before and walked in on him with my flatmate. They were on my bed, so I figured I may as well join them. And it was more awkward than hot, I'd say. And now the whole UK knows, so that's even more awkward."

"Speaking of the whole UK knowing... what do you guys think about having sex in the villa?" Hope asked. "I mean, there are cameras everywhere in here, it would probably be tough to find a private spot."

"Oh, I dunno," Lottie said. "If it's under the covers it's not like anyone will be able to see anything, and they can't exactly put anything explicit on TV. I'd be open to it with the right person and at the right moment."

Hope nodded. "And really, what's the difference between doing it here and waiting until you get out? If you're in a couple with someone you like, and you get dumped, everyone knows you're going to do it as soon as you're out of here anyway, so why delay it? Just go for it, I say."

"Well everyone already knows about my sexual exploits now, so I guess there's no reason for me not to do it if the moment is right. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that's open to doing bits in the villa."

"What about you, Han?" Lottie turned to Hannah, who was sitting quietly with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Oh! I guess so... I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm not sure Gary is right for me. I mean, he's rugged and down-to-earth, which I like... but I'm not sure we're into the same things, and he didn't exactly have a choice in coupling up with me."

"He seems like a bloke," Lottie said. "He'd probably get you a pint, at least."

"I would hope so, or a glass of wine, at least. But I can't imagine dating a guy who didn't treat me like a princess."

A princess? What? This girl really isn't steeped in reality... romance novels are nice and all, but she's got to wake up from her fantasies. This is the real world. Poor Gary, I really don't think they'll get along.

"What about the other guys?" I asked. "I noticed you didn't step forward for anyone."

"It's just so hard to go off looks alone," she responded. "How am I supposed to know what a guy is really like when all I can see are his abs?"

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