Chapter 11

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My head was pounding as I woke to the sound of my phone going off near my head. The lights in the room were still off so I groped about in the dark until finally my hand closed around my phone. Bringing it to my face I squinted as I struggled to read the screen.

'Josie and Rocco, please make your way to the Beach Hut. #earlyrisers'

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

I rolled over and shook Rocco lightly. He didn't stir. I shook him again, and there was still no response.

Is this guy fucking hibernating or something?

I grabbed my water bottle from the bedside table and unscrewed the lid, dumping its contents over his head.

He jumped and sat upright, and I clamped my hand over his mouth before he could make any noise. He turned to me with wide eyes and I removed my hand, holding up my phone.

"Shh, we're wanted in the Beach Hut." I strapped on my microphone and grabbed the blanket from the foot of our bed, wrapping it around myself as I stumbled up the stairs heading towards the beach hut.

Ugh, whose stupid fucking idea was it to wake me up early the morning after a fucking party, just to make me spend time with a partner I don't even fucking like? Fuckin' eejit should be fired.

I sat on one end of the chair and waited for Rocco to join me. Finally he walked in, rubbing a towel against his wet hair.

"Was the water really necessary?" He grumbled, sitting stiffly on the other side of the chair.

"You were sleeping like the dead, and noise and light weren't an option. Yes, the water was necessary." I rolled my eyes, then turned to the screen as the display lit up.

Two new boys have entered the Villa. What do you both think of Henrik?

"He's like... a sexy Viking, or mountain man," I said with a smile. "And he's really fun. I think he's a great addition to the villa."

Rocco scowled, but nodded. "Yeah, I reckon it'll be good for us, having someone like that around."

And what do you think of Lucas?

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face even if I wanted to. "He's gorgeous, for one... I think he's quite intriguing. Great dancer, too!"

Rocco raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Yeah, I dunno. Haven't really talked to the lad much yet. I'm not sure I vibe with him much."

How are you feeling in your couple?

I laughed. "Couple? What couple? We share a bed and compete in challenges together, but we've never been on the same page as far as being a couple. I'm not sure we're even friends, to be honest."

He frowned. "I took a chance, and I won't apologize for that. Obviously things aren't ideal between us, but that's nothing to do with me."

Is there someone else in the villa you'd rather be with?

"Pretty much anyone else, I think."

He glared at me. "Easy on the angry vibes, princess."

I started counting on my fingers, and mouthing the names of the other male islanders. Lucas, Henrik, Gary, Bobby, Noah, Rahim... I looked back up at the camera. "Yup, literally anyone else."

"There's no need for all this negativity. All I've done is be true to myself." He got up and stormed out of the room.

I continued counting on my fingers, this time speaking out loud. "Priya, Lottie, Marisol, Hope..." I grinned. "Maybe I'm being too hard on him? But no seriously, all he had to do was have a fucking conversation with me and I would've told him I wasn't interested, and I'd be with Gary right now. Although I wonder how I'd feel about Lucas if I were coupled up with Gary – it would be that much harder to hurt him if I cracked on with someone else. But on the other hand, at least then I'd have a better idea if Gary and I actually had something, and maybe I'd be happy sticking with him. Now I just don't know, so I'm stuck in the middle. I guess all I can really do is crack on with them both, and see how things go."

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