Chapter 13

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"What... the... FUCK?!" I jumped out of my seat and turned to face the other girls. "Which of you fucking bitches voted for Lucas and Bobby?!"

They just sat there, in shock at the news.

Priya's phone beeped again, her face turning pale as she read the screen. "Guys, there's more..."

Lottie grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back onto the bench, and I swatted her hands away as I shuffled further from her, burying my face in my hands as I waited for the text to be read.

"'The three boys who were voted least likely to leave the Island with a girlfriend will now face a public vote. The public will vote on the boy they want to have another chance at love, and the remaining boys will be dumped from the Island.'"

I felt like I had been punched in the gut.

One boy saved. Two boys dumped.

"Are you fucking joking?!" I raised my head in disbelief. "Only one boy is being saved, so either Lucas or Bobby is guaranteed to be dumped?"

I felt Lottie's hand on my back and pushed her away again. My eyes burned and tears threatened to fall as I stood and ran from the firepit towards the villa.

"Josie!" Someone called out to me, and I heard footsteps behind me as they tried to catch up.

"Don't follow me," I spat, without turning to see who it was. The footsteps stopped short, and I kept moving, not stopping until I was on the rooftop terrace with the door locked behind me. I sank onto the floor, allowing my tears to flow freely.

I thought these girls were my friends. How could they betray me like that?

Voices drifted up to the terrace from below.

"Who has betrayed who?"

I snorted.

Marisol wouldn't have voted for Rocco, so she obviously voted for one of the others. But she hardly has any reason to be upset, when I straight up told her I'd be voting for him.

She probably voted for Lucas to get back at me. Petty bitch.

But who would have voted for Bobby? He's friends with all of us!

My phone beeped.

'Josie, please head to the Beach Hut.'

Oh, sure, put my misery on display for all the world to see. Sadistic bastards.

My hands shook as I wiped the wetness from my face, before unlocking and opening the door separating the terrace from the dressing room.

I stopped short when I saw Lottie sitting at the dressing table, her eyes red and puffy. She looked about as bad as I felt.

She looked up as I walked in, her eyes widening as I hurried past. "Josie, wait!"

"What?" I seethed through clenched teeth, pausing at the dressing room door.

"I voted for Rocco."


"So, I'm just as mad as you are."

"I sincerely doubt that," I hissed.

"I feel as though one of the girls has totally betrayed us, and I'm going to find out who it is."

"Right. Well when you find out, let me know." I slammed the door behind me on my way out and stormed down the hall to the Beach Hut.

I dropped into the chair in the middle of the room, then picked up one of the cushions and hurled it against the wall before turning to glare at the camera.

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