Chapter 33

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"'... the couples with the fewest votes risk being dumped from the villa immediately. #balanceitout'"

Oh, fuck.

There was a collective gasp as the islanders stared at each other in shock.

"I can't believe this," Rahim shook his head. "It's so sudden."

"Way to ruin a good evening," Graham frowned, his arms folded across his chest.


Bobby pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

"'In no particular order, the three couples voted least compatible, and therefore vulnerable, are...'"


Across the firepit, Arjun picked up his phone. Bobby set his down, and in its place his hand found mine. I squeezed it tightly, my heart pounding.

It's gonna be us.

"'Graham and Jo.'"


"'Noah and Blake.'"

Big surprise there.

Blake scoffed. "You've gotta be joking," she mumbled.


My stomach clenched. I shut my eyes tight, holding my breath as I waited.

"'Henrik and Lottie.'"


My eyes snapped open and my jaw dropped as I stared at Lottie and Henrik in shock. Her face had gone even paler than usual as Henrik looped his arm around her, holding her close and kissing her on the side of her head.

I looked up at Bobby.

"We literally just coupled up yesterday, as a friendship couple," I whispered. "How are we not in the bottom three?"

He shrugged, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"I guess the public rates us. That's neat."



This time, it was my phone. I extricated my hand from Bobby's and picked it up.

I cleared my throat. "'The couple with the fewest votes, and therefore dumped from the island is... Noah and Blake.'"

It took all of my willpower not to let a huge smirk cross my face while everyone's eyes were still on me, but somehow I managed it.

"Wait, that's it?" Blake asked, her hands placed firmly on her hips. "We're dumped, just like that?"

"That's what the text said, darling," Priya rolled her eyes. "It was nice knowing you."


"I don't believe this!"

"C'mon, Blake," Noah said, placing his hand on her arm. "Anyone can see we're not compatible."

She shook his hand off her and glared at him. "No kidding."

"I just wanna say, guys," he addressed the rest of us, "it's been a pleasure getting to know you all. I'm okay with being dumped tonight. Things haven't gone the way I would have hoped in here, but it's my time to leave and I'm ready."

"I'm not," Blake muttered under her breath.


"Oh no, another one?"

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