Chapter 44

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When we got out of the pool, we headed back into the villa to dry off, change, and re-do our hair and makeup to get ready for the live results show. While we were busy inside, the production team went to work outside, taking down the prom setup and getting the lawn ready for the finale.

When it was almost time to go back outside, Bobby came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

I turned around and circled my arms around his waist. "Kind of, but not really, if that makes any sense. I think at this point, I'm just ready for this to be over."

"Only a couple more hours. Crazy."

I can't wait.

I laid my head on his shoulder and for a moment just relished the pleasure of being silent in his company.

"Do you think we have a chance at winning?" he asked.

"Babe, we could have been dumped last night."

"I guess, but just because we were up for elimination doesn't mean the public doesn't rate us. That was just because of the other couples voting against us."

I lifted my head to look at him. "Do you think we could win?"

"I'd like to think so," he smiled softly, before pressing a gentle kiss on my lips. "I think we're a good couple."

I returned his smile but shook my head. "I don't think so – that we'll win, I mean. And I'm okay with that. At this point, I'm just happy to still be here with someone I see a potential future with."

He kissed me again, this time drawing it out longer as his hands came up to cup my face. When he broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.

"Josie, I—"

"Finalists, we're going live in five minutes!" A producer called out as she briskly walked through the bedroom. "I need you all to go out to the firepit and sit in your couples."

Bobby sighed and quickly kissed the corner of my lips before drawing away.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

He merely smiled, took my hand in his, and tilted his head towards the door. "Let's just get out there, alright?"

I frowned, but nodded, and together we followed the other couples to the firepit.

Rows of white chairs had been set up on the lawn, all filled with people who had been invited for the live show. I couldn't make anyone out due to the bright film lights, but I assumed that the former islanders and the family members that had visited the previous day were in the crowd. I squinted as I tried looking for my father, but quickly gave up.

They brought in a host for the evening, and as the show began, she greeted the live audience and viewers before introducing each of us in our couples. Then we sat back as they showed the events from earlier that day – the shopping, speech writing, dancing, and prom – on a big screen.

Following a short commercial break, they showed another video montage – this one of the highlights of the whole past month. It was weird watching ourselves back like that, especially seeing how it had been edited, but it made me curious to know what it would be like to watch back the rest of the show.

Finally, it was time to start revealing the results. The host asked us to stand up in our couples, and we did so, gripping our partners' hands tightly.

The host stood in front of us with a card in hands. "I can now reveal that the couple in fourth place is... Marisol and Elisa!"

We clapped for them and watched as they moved to sit with the host on a couch for a one-on-one interview, along with a video montage of their 'best bits' together.

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