Chapter 4

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I woke up to the soft murmur of muffled voices and giggles. Poking my head out from under the duvet, I saw that all the beds were empty save the one on the far end. I could just make out two human-shaped lumps shifting under the covers.

That's Hope and Noah's bed, right? Damn, she moves fast.

I quietly slipped out from my own bed and headed to the showers. When finished, I returned to the dressing room and found Priya sitting there applying her skincare. The room smelled sweet and citrusy.

She smiled when she saw me come in. "Good morning!" she said. "Care to join me for a chat on the terrace? I've been looking forward to morning chats with the girls, but the rest are downstairs."

"Sure thing, babe." I followed her out to the terrace, blinking my eyes at the sudden exposure to sunlight. We sat on the bench and I picked up a cushion, hugging it to my chest.

"Thanks again for lending me your jacket last night," she said, sitting opposite me. "You're one of my favourite girls here so far. I think we're going to get along nicely."

"But I thought you and Lottie hit it off so well," I said, yawning. "Sorry, still half asleep."

"Not so sleepy that you've lost your sense of humour, apparently! I'm sure she just needs time. Anyway, dish! You're coupled up with Bobby, but is there anyone else you've got your eye on? I need to get the lay of the land."

"Actually, yeah, I'm interested in Noah and Gary. Bobby has been really sweet so far, but we've both said we're open to getting to know other people. I know that Gary's interested in me, but I haven't gotten much opportunity to talk to Noah yet, so I'm not sure what he's thinking."

"Good to know, I won't pick them tonight if you're interested in them."

"That's nice of you, but you need to do what's right for you, Priya. You should pick based on who you think you have the best connection with, not based on my feelings."

"And that's exactly why you're my favourite girl here. I don't think any of the other girls would have said the same thing."

"Maybe not, but I also don't mind a little competition. If you steal my man, I'll just steal him right back." I smirked, and she laughed.

She stood. "Well I guess I need to start getting to know the boys. Wanna come be my good cop?"

"Can I be the bad cop instead? Let me just finish getting ready and I'll be there."


When I went down to the lawn, Priya was sitting on the loungers by the pool with the boys. Lottie sat on the edge of the pool nearby, listening in. Bobby saw me approaching and waved me over to his lounger. Priya turned her head to look at me and smiled.

"Looking good, Josie," she said.

I grinned and placed my hands on my hips, striking a pose and then doing my best catwalk strut as I joined the group, finally doing a slow twirl. "Like what you see, boys?"

"Shameless!" laughed Priya. Lottie just rolled her eyes, while Bobby raised his hand to give me a high five, then shifted over to make room for me to sit next to him.

"Looking spicier than sriracha," he said appreciatively.

Lottie shifted, moving closer to us. "So Priya, how are you going to decide who to go for?"

"I feel like I can't just pick based on who's the fittest. It's about feeling that connection with someone, right?"

"Absolutely," Rocco said. "Do you believe in vibes?"

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