Chapter 19

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"...the thing everyone can't stop talking about is what Josie said in the Beach Hut!"

Chelsea's words crashed into me, and my eyes widened as I realized what she was talking about.

Oh, no. This can't be happening.

"Josie? What did you say in the Beach Hut?" Marisol asked, crossing her arms. The other islanders looked at me, a mix of confusion and curiosity on their faces.

Chelsea was practically bouncing in excitement, ready to share the news. "She said—"

My arm shot out, my hand covering her mouth to stifle her words as I gave her a look of warning. Her eyes widened into big blue orbs, her gaze alternating between my face and my hand.

Who does this bitch think she is?

"What happens in the Beach Hut, stays in the Beach Hut," I said tensely. She stared back at me until I raised my eyebrows, prompting her to nod her head in understanding. I removed my hand and turned to the others.

"It doesn't concern any of you," I lied. "So unless you'd all like to share your own Beach Hut confessionals, I would ask that you move along and forget what the public is apparently finding so interesting."

I looked over at Jakub in a silent plea for cooperation.

He cocked an eyebrow, then grinned. "What's all this, then? I thought we were having a party, and I've got some fit girls I wanna get chirpsing with."

Lottie and Marisol looked at me with suspicion, not fully satisfied with my answer.

"All my party people, on me!" Jakub turned and jogged towards the dance floor as DJ Big T turned the music back up. The others started following, some looking back at me one more time before finally turning their backs on me. Henrik and Bobby stood there, looking back and forth between me, Chelsea, and the partiers, until I waved my hand at them indicating for them to go. That left only Priya hanging back, concern written on her face.

I breathed a sigh of relief, until I realized that Chelsea was still standing next to me.

"Do you have a problem with me?" I confronted her. "Half the villa is already upset with me, and then you just had to come in and drop that bombshell!"

"N-no, I don't—"

"You know full well that you're not supposed to talk about the public's opinion or what you've seen, and what do you do? Start blabbing the moment you walk in here!"

"I'm sorry, I—"

"You're sorry?! We've barely even met and you've already started gossiping about me!"

"Josie!" Priya pulled me away. "Now's not the time, okay? This is supposed to be a party, let's just enjoy it." She turned to Chelsea with a smile. "Why don't you go to the dance floor and spend some time with the others? I'm sure the boys are dying to get to know you."

"But—" Chelsea started, before Priya interrupted her.

"Please. Just go and enjoy your first night here. Look, the boys are already looking for you."

Chelsea looked out at the lawn where the boys were shooting looks in our direction while the girls danced with Jakub.

"Oh, alright, then," she said, sneaking one more sad look at me before turning and walking away. She greeted the boys and within minutes was giggling and bouncing around the dancefloor.

"Care to share?" Priya asked, placing a comforting hand on my arm.

I shook my head. "Nope. Maybe someday, but now's not the time."

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