Chapter 27

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Groans filled the room as the bright lights turned on.

"Get stuffed! I need ten more minutes."

I shifted away from Bobby's warmth and rolled onto my back, propping my head up with my pillow. I watched as Chelsea hopped out of bed and disappeared out the door, only to return a few seconds later.

"It's looking like an absolute scorcher out there, guys! I think I'll go for a swim – anyone want to join me?" She ran back to her bed and jumped onto it, pouncing on Gary as he emerged from under the duvet. "Gary, come swim with me!"

"In a minute, love," he groaned, before rolling over and burying his face back into his pillow.

"Does anybody want tea?" Noah asked as he got up from his bed with a stretch. Hands all over the bedroom shut up. "Alright, I'll put the kettle on."

Beside me, Bobby threw back the covers. "Right, I'm making pancakes."

"I love you so much right now, man," Rahim's muffled voice came from the direction of the next bed over, his face hidden by the covers.

The others perked up at the thought of pancakes and there was a shuffle of bedding and movement as islanders got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom and dressing room.

Bobby sat up and planted his feet on the floor before twisting his body to look at me.

"Come be my sous chef?"

I yawned and burrowed deeper into the mattress. After a restless night, the last thing I wanted to do was get up and cook.

"I'll let you decorate," he bribed.

"Mmph. I'm comfy, B."

"I'll put extra chocolate chips in yours."

I opened my eyes and narrowed them as I looked up at him. "And if I don't help?"

"Then you get to do the washing up. For everybody."

"That's not fair," I groaned, scrunching my face in disgust. I stretched out my hand toward him. "Help me up."

He ignored the offered hand and circled his arms around my back instead, pulling me towards him. He stood and lifted me up and waited until I set my feet on the ground before releasing me.

"Just give me a minute to use the loo and I'll be right there," I said, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Okay, but if you're not in the kitchen in five minutes I'm coming to find you, and you better not be back in bed."

"Dammit," I cracked a small smile and shooed him away towards the kitchen as I headed the other direction.

A few minutes later, after doing my business and splashing cold water on my face in an attempt to wake myself up, I made my way outside. Bobby was standing at the counter, shirtless and in his cupcake pyjamas, apron, and headband, already busy mixing the pancake batter in a large bowl. Noah was busy preparing a tea tray to bring upstairs to the dressing room.

Bobby looked up at the sound of my footsteps, his eyes lighting up as a grin crossed his face.

"I was about to send out a search party for you."

"Oh, whatever, I was only a few minutes."

"Here," he passed me a steaming mug. "Tea for you. Don't want you falling asleep in the batter."

I laughed as I accepted the mug and took a sip. "Alright, head chef, what do you need from me?"

"A massage would be nice..."

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