Chapter 39

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My eyes flickered open, and for a moment I forgot where I was. The room was still dark, but enough light streamed in through the curtains to make me realize I wasn't in the main bedroom. My fingers brushed over the rich fur of the blanket covering me, and that's when I remembered.

The hideaway.

I glanced over at Bobby, who was sprawled out on his back, taking up most of the bed. I smiled softly, enjoying the slight rise and fall of his chest as he steadily breathed. It was rare for me to be the first one awake, and for a moment, all I wanted to do was watch and look at him. He looked younger in his sleep, and peaceful, and I briefly allowed myself to wonder what it would be like waking up next to him every day.

It won't last.

My heart squeezed in my chest at the uninvited thought, and I hastily pushed it aside. I was lying naked in bed with a gorgeous, equally naked man - now wasn't the time for getting too inside my head when I could live in the moment and enjoy myself.

And yet... I couldn't shake the thought, nor could I figure out why it bothered me so much.

I shook my head and reached my hand towards Bobby, my fingers suspended just above his skin as I traced patterns in the freckles on his chest. Even in his sleep he looked happy, and I wasn't ready to wake him yet.

I moved closer and closed my eyes, snuggling into his side and breathing in his scent. He shifted slightly, his arm curling around me before his breath deepened again, his sleep peaceful with me by his side.

I lay there for a few minutes, basking in his warmth and enjoying the rare quiet moment of solitude, which was much needed after almost a month in the villa.

And then I wanted to share it.

With a mischievous grin, I carefully climbed on top of Bobby, trying not to wake him quite yet as I pressed my knees into the mattress on either side of him. I began pressing featherlight kisses over his collarbone, along his throat, and up along his jaw as I reached into his hair, brushing my fingers through his locs. I slowly rolled my hips and felt him twitch beneath me, and a quiet moan escaped his lips.

His eyes slowly fluttered open, and I propped myself up with my elbows on either side of his head as I smiled down at him.

He blinked, the corners of his lips turning upwards as his eyes came into focus. "Oh, hello."

"Hi," I said breathily.

"Well, this is a good morning."

He brought his hands to my waist and pulled me against his hardening length, and I rolled my hips again, sending little shivers through me.

"This is a very good morning."

I lowered my mouth to his, meeting him in a languid kiss. Our tongues moved slowly against each other as we took our time, enjoying every lick, every nibble, every soft moan.

Bobby's grip lowered to my hips and tightened as he began lifting me up and down, sliding me along the underside of his shaft. I took over the movement, rolling slowly, my whole body tingling with pleasure, and he slid his hands up towards my breasts, gently squeezing the soft flesh and flicking his thumbs over my nipples.

"Fuck," I moaned, my eyes closing as I revelled in the sensations jolting through me.

I couldn't wait any longer, needing him inside me. I rolled away from his grasp and slapped my hand against the bedside table, searching for the foil packets I knew were there. I found one and made quick work of opening it, rolling it onto him, and straddling his thighs. I hovered just above him, wrapping my fingers around him and stroking him leisurely. His eyes were dark with desire and gazing steadily back at me, no signs left of sleep.

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