Chapter 45: Epilogue

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I clutched my phone in my hand and stared at it, willing it to light up. Waiting for Bobby's name to flash across the screen.

It had been three weeks since we left the villa together. Three weeks since I asked him to be my boyfriend. Three weeks since he said yes.

"Really?" he asked. "Are you sure?"


"I'm sure," I said, turning to look him in the eye. "For once in my life, I'm sure."

The next moment, his lips were on mine, his arms were around me, and he was kissing me with a need that belied his response.

"Is that a yes?" I asked breathlessly when we parted for air. His forehead rested against mine, and I could feel his breath against my skin as he chuckled softly.

"Fuck right, that's a yes."

That first week outside the villa had gone by in a blur. We were given our regular phones back, briefed on what the public had been saying about us (lots of good, lots of bad; plenty of funny memes), offered therapy sessions (I accepted – goodness knows I needed it), and sent on our merry ways. Sayonara, Love Island.

My social media accounts had blown up, and for some reason I was in high demand for sponsorships and public appearances. I found an agent (I had lots of offers), quit my job (I don't think they were too upset, given what I'd been up to), and moved back into the London flat that I shared with a roommate I didn't even like that much.

Bobby stayed with me for those first few days until the reunion show, which took place one week after the finale. The show was just a final gathering of all the Love Island contestants, going through the highlights again, and being interviewed by the same host that ran the show during the live finale. The rest of our days were packed with TV and radio interviews, public appearances, and meetings with companies looking to sponsor us. It was so busy that we hardly got to take any time to ourselves, and each night we fell into bed exhausted, only to get up early to do it all again the following day.

And then the first week was over, and Bobby headed back to Glasgow to visit his family and put his own affairs in order. He wanted me to come with him (to show off his girlfriend, he said), but my agent refused to let me cancel all the appearances he had already lined up for me. Something about it being a bad look, even if it was for a good reason.

And so, I threw myself into whatever I was asked to do. Plastering a fake smile onto my face as I went from interview to interview, meeting to meeting. I landed a haircare sponsorship right away, and my agent was in talks with some of the fast fashion companies to get me my own clothing line. Woohoo.

Now, two weeks since Bobby had left for Glasgow, I was pacing around my living room waiting for him to call, just like he did every night.

The phone lit up, illuminating the background photo of me and Bobby lying on the daybeds together making silly faces at the camera. It was from the early days in the villa, when we had been coupled up the first time. It was still one of my favourites.

I swiped my thumb across the screen and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" The word came out almost breathlessly.

"Hey, sunshine." Bobby's voice sounded casual, but I knew there was so much feeling behind those words. "How was your day?"

God, I missed him. He had gained a huge following in Scotland and was just as busy there as I had been in London. Not to mention he had a large extended family, so he was always going here, there, and everywhere, visiting relatives in between all his interviews. I sank onto the floor and leaned my back against the couch as we talked, closing my eyes as I listened to his voice.

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