Chapter 16

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Bobby, Lucas, and Rocco stood in front of the firepit, each with their hands clasped behind them, and stoic expressions on their faces. The rest of us sat along the circular bench, waiting for the text that would announce the boys' fate. The silence was excruciating.

I shifted my gaze between each of the boys standing in front of us, and I had to stifle a sardonic laugh at the fact that each of these boys had something in common – me.

My past, present, and potential future, standing in front of me waiting to see which of them gets dumped.

I couldn't bear to look any of them in the eye, so I focused my gaze on the flames between us.

"This is proper brutal," Gary mumbled under his breath, before all fell silent again.

Finally, a phone buzzed.

"That's me," Noah said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and looking at the screen. He stood to read the missive. "'Islanders, you've had your say, and now so has the public. It's time to say goodbye to two boys.'" He looked around at us, then took a deep breath as his phone buzzed again. "'The first boy to be dumped from the Island is...'"

Silence, again. I found myself reaching next to me and grabbing Priya's hand, squeezing it for all I was worth.


I closed my eyes, relief washing over me. From the other side of the firepit, I could hear Marisol sob and Hope move to comfort her.

I put my head in my hands as I waited for the text that I wished would never arrive. Would it say Bobby or Lucas? I honestly couldn't decide which would devastate me more.

The seconds felt like minutes, hours even, as we waited, the stillness broken only by the chirping insects competing with Marisol's continued sniffles.

Another phone went off, and I felt a vibration at my side.

Those sick bastards!

My hands shook as I picked up my phone, unlocking it and shoving it in Priya's direction. "I can't."

She graciously accepted the phone and stood. I didn't know where to look or what to do with my hands, so I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in my hands.

"'The second person to be dumped from the Island is...'"

A knot formed in my stomach, and I felt like I was going to be sick.


Relief. Devastation. Competing emotions rushed over me in waves as my eyes burned with hot tears, my shoulders shaking as my body was wracked with sobs. I only vaguely heard the sound of another phone going off, and Lucas' voice reading a text aloud.

"... has come to an end... thirty minutes... say your goodbyes."

The other islanders got up and gathered around the boys, hugging each in their turn and speaking words of consolation. I couldn't move, my body glued to the bench. Who would I even go to first?

In the end, I didn't have to choose, as someone was soon at my side, arms encircling me. I finally removed my hands from my face and buried it into his chest. I didn't have to open my eyes to know it was Bobby, and my arms wrapped around him and held him tightly.

"Shh, lass. You can let go of me, I'm not going anywhere yet."

"Thank God," I breathed into his chest, his arms tightening around me.

"There's someone else here who wants to talk to you."


I loosened my grip on Bobby's waist, and he did the same as I lifted my head and sat up straighter, wiping the tears from my eyes.

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