Epilogue 2: One for the Road

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Author's note: This was written as a Christmas stand-alone, but I didn't want to post it separately, so I'm adding it to the main fic. Enjoy!

"Babe! How about this?"

Josie glanced up from the rack of clothing she was sifting through and laughed. "For you or me?"

"You, of course!" Priya replied, turning her attention to the sexy, barely-there dress she was holding up. "Although, now that you mention it..."

"You realize this is a family trip, right? I'm not going to have any occasion to wear something like that. Especially not where we're going."

Scandalously short dresses might have their place, but a log cabin in Canada during winter definitely wasn't one of them.

"Not even the bedroom?" Priya bit her lip and winked, causing another laugh to fall from Josie's lips.

"Believe me, I've got plenty for the bedroom already." She couldn't help but smile as she turned her attention back to the soft fabric slipping between her fingers, thinking of how Bobby would react to some of her recent lingerie purchases. She paused to take a closer look at a long-sleeved blouse, before shaking her head and replacing it on the rack.

"Okay, but this would seriously look so good on you," her friend replied. "You can buy it now and save it for when you come back and we go clubbing."

Josie sighed. "I dunno. I have a lot already; I don't really need more."

Priya gasped. "Am I hearing that right? Josie, my favourite shopping partner and fashionista extraordinaire, says she has enough clothing?"

"I know, right? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think it's getting to be a bit much. My closets are full. I'm thinking I might just bring an extra suitcase full of stuff I don't wear and give it to my cousins. Bring it back full of maple syrup and all dressed crisps."

"As long as one of those bags of crisps is for your favourite friend in the world."

Josie laughed. "Done."

"So... You don't mind if I buy this one, then, right?"

"Go right ahead."

Priya grinned and clutched the dress to her chest. "You're the best!"

The two women continued chattering as they shopped, not having seen each other in weeks. Since leaving the Love Island villa, their friendship remained strong, but distance and busy schedules kept them from meeting regularly. But with an upcoming trip to Canada to visit her relatives, Josie had insisted they get together to shop for a few things she needed.

"Is Bobby excited?" Priya asked as they entered a restaurant for lunch. "It's his first time, right?"

"Oh my god, Pri, he's been bouncing off the walls since we booked our flights."

Priya indicated a table for two, and they followed the hostess through the restaurant to their table. The young woman led them to a booth, and they gratefully dropped their shopping bags on the benches next to them as they slid in.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"He keeps looking up 'Things to do in Canada during the winter'. But he doesn't realize how big the country is, so I'm constantly having to tell him we can't do sleigh rides in Alberta when we're staying in Ontario."

"And do they not have sleigh rides in Ontario?"

"Not at my dad's cabin, no."

They paused to peruse the menu, placing orders for cocktails and light appetizers for lunch.

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