Chapter 36

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"I've got a text," Elisa called out as she propped herself up against the headboard of her bed. The room quieted as everyone stopped their morning chatter to listen.

I looked over at Bobby's side of the bed, which was neat, untouched, and unslept-in. I felt a twinge of guilt and regret, wishing I could do yesterday over again and not make such a mess of things.

"'Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. Girls, it's time to choose once and for all which Islander you want to be coupled up with. #mixitup #lastchancerecoupling.'"

I groaned as I sank back into my pillow.

Today? Already?

It was decision time, and I wasn't ready. Lucas had only been back for a day, and I had spent half that time fighting with or worrying about Bobby. How was I supposed to choose so soon?

"What? Today?" Chelsea looked around the room, her mouth agape. "And all the girls get to pick? Even the ones who aren't coupled up?"

There's only one single girl, Chels...

"Yes, Chelsea," Lottie smiled. "All the girls."

"Final recoupling, girls," Priya said. "Whoever you pick tonight is your partner until we leave the villa."

"I'm excited!" Hannah grinned. "It's nice to have the power over my own fate this time."

Shannon grunted, glaring at Hannah. "Some of us will have the power. Others won't get much choice."

Yikes. This is a bad time for Shannon. Who is she going to pick? Would she stick with Rahim?

I looked again at Bobby's empty half of the bed, then over at Lucas. He was already looking at me, and he raised his eyebrows in an unspoken question. I shrugged. I had no clue what I was going to do, and was going to have to make the most of the day.

I sighed as I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the dressing room to get ready for the day, listening to Chelsea going on about cat cafes.

"You can play bingo, drink tea and have cake, all while stroking adorable pussy-cats!"

Sounds like something my nan would enjoy.

"Let's talk recoupling," Priya said as we entered the room. "Are there any surprises in store for us?"

"Seems like we've got a couple wildcards," Lottie responded, glancing over at Hannah and me as she sat at the vanity. "I'm sticking with Henrik, though."

"Even after your argument yesterday?"

She shrugged. "I wasn't happy in the moment, but he was just being Henrik. He meant well, and there's no point holding a grudge over it."

"Aww, Lottie. You've really grown."

"Have I?" she smirked. "I suppose you might be right."

"I'm picking my Garebear!" Chelsea beamed. "He's so sweet!"

"What about you, Josie?" Marisol asked as she rummaged through her cupboard. "Seems like you and Lucas still have some chemistry."

I sighed, not wanting to get into it. "I don't know yet. I like Bobby, I really do, but..."

"But Lucas is sexy and rich," Elisa smirked.

I frowned. "There's more to him than that. He's a really nice guy, and it's tough knowing that whichever guy I don't choose is going to be hurt."

"I think it's so sweet that he came back for you," Hannah said. "Do you know that he badgered the producers to let him back on?"


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