Chapter 20

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"Josie," someone whispered in my ear as I slowly roused from my sleep.

I rolled my body over as I opened my eyes to see Henrik's green ones smiling back at me.

"Finally," he grinned. "I've been waiting for you to wake up forever."

"Did I sleep in?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I sat up, looking at the empty beds around us. "Where's everyone else?"

He pulled me back down, taking me into his arms. "They're all outside already."

"Mm," I snuggled closer to him. "I'm much more comfortable here."

"I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we should stay here awhile."

"Maybe we should," I agreed, sitting up a little so my face was just above his, placing my elbows on either side of his head. His eyes flicked to my lips, then back up to my eyes again as a corner of his mouth turned up.

He ran one of his hands down my side until he found the hem of my top, slipping underneath it and tracing my skin back upwards with his fingertips, causing a shiver to run down my back. My eyes closed, and he lifted his head up, just enough to brush his lips against mine softly. He laid his head back on the pillow and I followed it with my own, wanting more.

His hands settled on my waist under my shirt as I pressed my lips more firmly against his, and I let my fingers tangle in his hair as he tilted his head and his tongue lightly dragged across my lower lip. I parted my lips to grant him access and he accepted eagerly, leaning up further into me as the kiss deepened. His fingertips returning to their soft movements over the skin under my shirt and I felt a soft moan vibrate through his chest and into mine.

I pulled back slightly, breaking the kiss and giving him a soft smile. "You liked that, huh?"

"I've been waiting to get you alone for ages," he grinned, leaning up to lay a brief kiss on the corner of my mouth before laying his head back on the pillow. "Now it's like I can't get enough."

I smiled and lowered my head again, returning my lips to his. He tightened his hold on me and I lost myself in the feel of his muscular arms encircling me, his soft lips pressed hard against mine and his tongue exploring my mouth.

"Oh, shit," came a voice from the doorway, and I pulled away at the intrusion, turning my head to find a flustered Bobby standing there. "Excuse me, coming through. Sorry!"

"Bobby, do you mind?" Henrik groaned.

"Sorry, sorry!" Bobby ran to his cupboard, using his hand as a shield over his eyes. I giggled at his discomfort as he rummaged through the cupboard, clumsily dropping things. "Shit! Just came to get my shower stuff."

"Aww, there goes my idea of taking this into the shower," I joked.

A hint of a smirk formed on Bobby's lips as he finally grabbed his things and closed the cupboard door. He paused, his hand lingering on the door handle, before turning around. "Did you ever notice how each bed has a different picture over it?" He looked intently at each image, stroking his chin as he strolled towards the bedroom door. "Palm tree, ice cream cone..."

"Bobby!" Henrik yelled, and Bobby giggled as he ran the last few steps out the door.

My whole body shook as I laughed, and I rolled away from Henrik onto my back.

Bobby's voice could be heard from the stairway as he began loudly singing Mousse T's 'Horny 98.' "I'm horny, horny, horny, horny... So horny, so horny, horny, horny, tonight!"

Henrik sighed. "Well, there goes my idea."

I laughed, rolling back over onto his chest again. "What, did you actually think you were about to get some?" I playfully rubbed my nose against his as he growled, grabbing my hips. I looked towards the doorway, then back at Henrik, biting my lip. "I have an idea."

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