Chapter 34

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"Hello, Josie."

Lucas. By some evil twist of fate, my date was with Lucas.

You've got to be kidding me.

He looked just as good as ever, standing in front of me in a partially-buttoned white shirt and neat grey shorts, that same intense gaze and incessant smirk causing heat to wash over me and butterflies to flit around in my stomach.

"...Lucas?! Wha—what are you doing here?"

It all felt surreal as I stepped towards him in a daze, somehow finding myself wrapped in a hug, his familiar patchouli scent washing over me.

He kissed my cheek as we separated, and as he looked down at me there was a glint in his eyes as the corners of his lips turned up.

"I'm Lucas Koh, I'm here to rescue you."

I looked back at him in confusion.


He laughed and placed a hand on the small of my back as he led me towards the table. Laid out on the table were an assortment croissants, fruit, and breakfast sausages, along with a pitcher of mimosa.

"Sorry, Star Wars quote. Get it? Luke Skywalker...?"

He pulled out a chair for me and smoothly pushed it forward as I took a seat.

"I get the quote, but what are you rescuing me from?"

"From ending your Love Island experience in a friendship couple. After the journey you've had in here, you deserve better than that."

Oh, crap... he doesn't know. What happened yesterday probably won't air until tonight.

"Lucas, I—"

"I know, I know," he waved his hand dismissively as he reached for the mimosa and began to pour it into champagne flutes. "We hardly know each other, so it's something we have to explore, but you can't deny we had a strong connection the first time around."

It felt like so long ago, but there was no denying that there had definitely been something in between us, and my heart leapt at the thought of that spark rekindling.

Shit, Josie, what are you thinking?

"I just want you to know," he continued as he set down the pitcher and handed me my glass, his gaze burning into mine, "that I still feel the same as I did when I left. I've been watching and I feel like I've been getting to know you more and more, but I understand that it might take more time for you."

I accepted the glass and smiled shyly at him as I clinked it against his own, then took a sip. I set it down and rotated the stem between my fingers as I tried to figure out what to say. There was no denying my attraction for him, the same feelings I'd previously had coming bubbling up again. But the situation was different this time. It wasn't the first week, and I wasn't in an unhappy couple.

"Look, Lucas, I appreciate all this, but—"

He reached across the table and placed his hand on mine, causing a spark of electricity to jolt through me. My breath hitched as I looked down at his tanned hand covering my own.

"—the thing is," I continued, "you need to know that Bobby and I..."

"I know, you're really close and you'd feel bad letting him down at this stage. There's only a week left."

I pulled my hand away and lifted my eyes to his, clenching my jaw in resolution. "Bobby and I aren't just a friendship couple."

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, we all know he likes you, but—"

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