Chapter 37

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Fingertips lightly danced across the exposed skin of my stomach, warm breath ghosting on the nape of my neck. The bedroom lights were still off, so I didn't know how early it was. I smiled as I shifted backwards, the warmth radiating from Bobby's body enveloping me as I pressed my back against his chest, letting him know I was awake.

"Morning, lass," he whispered into my ear.

"Good morning, B."

He began trailing soft kisses behind my ear, along my jaw, wherever he could reach. I placed my hand over his and moved it upwards, slipping below the hem of my pyjama top and over one of my breasts. His breath hitched as he cupped it in his palm, gently squeezing it and brushing his thumb across the smooth skin. He buried his face in my hair, inhaling deeply as he pulled me even closer against him.

The lights turned on, and he sighed, moving his hand from under my shirt and grabbing the duvet, pulling it over our heads. Around the room, the other islanders groaned and shuffled in their beds as they woke up.

"Cockblocked by the lights," Bobby grumbled quietly.

I laughed softly, but turned serious as I rolled over to face him. Immediately he brought his lips to mine, but I pulled back and placed a finger over his mouth as he frowned.

"About that," I whispered. "The thing is... with Lucas here..."

He raised his eyebrows as understanding dawned on him. "You want to spare his feelings?"

I nodded. "Is that okay? Like, I'm with you, and I'm happy to be with you, but it's just kind of weird that he's sleeping in the same room as us, y'know?"

His eyebrows knit together as he considered the situation, and he finally nodded. "Yeah," he exhaled, "if it was the other way around..."

I finally pressed my lips to his, chasing away the thought.

"We'll just have to build another blanket fort," he said with a wink as we pulled apart.

"Or," I teased my finger down his chest and abdomen, "maybe we can sneak into the hideaway."

He grinned and slid his hand down my back, cupping my ass and bringing me closer to him again as he captured my mouth with his once more. I hooked my leg over his thigh as we kissed, his tongue brushing mine as I moaned softly into his mouth.

I reluctantly broke the kiss and rolled away, pushing the duvet back and blinking against the bright lights as I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. The others were milling about, some heading upstairs, others going outside, some quietly chatting in their beds. My eyes were drawn towards Lucas as he crossed the room towards his cupboard, his eyes studiously avoiding mine as he walked past.

I swallowed hard, guilt creeping in on me.

He didn't hear us, did he? No, he couldn't have...

Bobby sat up and wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey," he said, "what do you want for breakfast?"

I smiled as I turned my head towards him. "Whatever you like. I think I'm gonna get a quick workout in first."

"Protein it is, then."

"Mm, bacon." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You treat me so well."

"Glad you recognize it."

I giggled as I rolled off the bed, winking at him as I went around the side of the bed and headed towards the dressing room.


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