Chapter 31

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I sat on a barstool in the kitchen, nursing a mug of tea and watching as Bobby stirred porridge in a pan over the stove. His favourite cake-slice pyjama pants were slung low on his hips, his dreads hung over his forehead, and freckles dotted his cheeks and chest in the most adorable way. A strange, warm sensation came over me, making me feel almost like I was seeing him for the first time, and I began to wonder why I had written him off so quickly back in the beginning. I had enjoyed our two-and-a-half days being coupled up together, so why had I been so quick to look elsewhere?

"Why not take a picture, it'll last longer."

His voice pulled me out of my reverie and I tilted my head as I lowered my mug to the counter.

"You've said that to me before. On our first day here."

He raised his eyebrows as he looked back at me. "You remember that?"

"It's funny, I was just thinking about those early days, when we were coupled up."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah... I guess in a way this is like a fresh start for us. We're back to square one, together."

"Are you gonna friendzone me again, Josie?" he winked.

I laughed. "I make no promises."

"Well, if we're going to start over..." he held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Bobby McKenzie."

"Josie Hamilton. Pleased to meet you."

"Gee, so formal."

"Better than what you said the first time I saw you. Something about beefcake?"

He chuckled as he turned off the stove and took the saucepan off the burner. "Not my finest moment, I'll admit. I was a bundle of nerves."

"You didn't act like it. I liked your confidence."

His eyes shone as he smiled at me. "Yeah?"

I lifted my mug to my lips with a smile. "Yeah."

"Noted. Be confident."

I chuckled softly as he scooped the porridge into two bowls and topped it with brown sugar and fresh berries. He brought the bowls over to the side of the counter where I was sitting, placing one in front of me and then lifting himself onto the stool next to mine, his leg brushing against mine briefly as he did so.

"So, like, what would be your dream date?" he asked. He blew on his porridge in an attempt to cool it down as he waited for my response.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why, are you taking me on a date?"

He laughed. "Well, I'd love to, if I get the chance. In here, but... especially on the outside."

I smiled and waved at the steam rising up from my bowl as I considered his question.

"Crazy to think we only have a week left in here. If we even make it that long."

"Are you avoiding the question?"

"No, not on purpose!" I laughed. "The thought just came to mind, that's all. Let's see, dream date... I like something low-key, I don't need anything extravagant or grand gestures or anything—"

"Good," he said, pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"—but I also like doing fun activities. Dates where you're just hanging out and having a laugh."

He grinned as he shifted in his seat to face me, resting his feet on the legs of my stool.

"I think I could come up with some fun dates you'd enjoy."

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