25- "𝕀 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕂𝕖𝕙𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕚 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕦𝕡"

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February 4, 2021 - vote and comment ❤️

Where the fuck am I? All I remember is being taken away from my house, passing out in a van, and now I'm in a basement

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Where the fuck am I? All I remember is being taken away from my house, passing out in a van, and now I'm in a basement. This is how they be getting kidnapped in the movies, but I never thought it'd happen to me, especially from my own house.

I start to look around, the basement is empty, big, and cold. Nobody else is down here, no windows, but there's one large door that I'm assuming leads to upstairs. I try to move, but I can't move. I'm tied to a chair. The ropes are too tight, even if I try to get out, I'd damn near die. The door opens. The person who walks through remains hooded, so it look like a shadow. "W-who are you?" My throat hurts when I croak out those three words. The person doesn't answer, just comes up to me with a plate of food. I look up to see their face, and it was the last one I'd ever expect to see.


"K-Kehlani? Why? What am I doing here?" She sighs and places the plate on my lap and unties my arms but not my legs. She gives me a fork and expects me to eat, but fuck I look like eating food from people who kidnapped me? This basement looks nothing like Kehlani's, which leads me to assume that she's not the only one here and this isn't her house. She stares at me and I stare back, her hood falls off her poofy hair.

"Eat." I shake my head. I already got kidnapped, getting poisoned too isn't really on my bucket list. She picks up the fork herself, grabs the eggs with it, and tries to force it into my mouth. I keep turning my head, at this point I'm not even hungry. She finally gives up and takes the plate back, but before she can go upstairs, I stop her.

"Wait. I know you won't answer the questions that I've asked before, but please just answer this one. How long have I been here?" She stops in her tracks with her face facing the door again.

"Three days." She then leaves me in the cold basement by myself and slams the door shut. She forgot to tie my arms though.

Three days... three days. I wonder if anyone is worried about me. Jahseh, Stokeley, Coolie? Probably not Coolie, I mean for fuck sakes, Kehlani is his girlfriend now. He probably knows what's going on, shit he might even be here right now. I would say that Stokeley and Jah are worried for sure, but who knows? Clearly I can't trust everybody, I trusted Kehlani and look how that ended up.

My stomach starts to growl loudly, and as much as I try to deny my hunger it gets hard. I then begin to try to untie the rope that's around my torso but it's quite hard to do when you're weak and sleepy. I reach my arms around the chair and start to hear my bones pop, and my stomach starts to hurt a lot, but I don't let that change my determination to get out. I finally get a hold of the knot, but as soon as I start to untie it, the door opens again making me turn back around.

"What were you doing?" I shake my head, and Kehlani walks back up to me. This time she has a blade, salt, and a bag of ice in her hands. "You're lying to me. But that's okay, you're getting punished anyways." My eyebrows furrow, but she holds my wrist in her hands. She brings the blade closer and closer until it'a going through my skin, and I try not to make a huge reaction. My eyes close tightly as I feel it go deeper into my wrist, and soon it's taken out. I let out a sigh until I feel her pour the salt in the wound and put ice over it. I scream. I scream loudly. I try not to move around because that'll make it worse but ain't can't help it, I've never felt a pain this bad before. Kehlani keeps her eyes on what she's doing, never stopping to look at my face. When she finishes, she walks out, leaving me by myself in the basement with a bleeding wound.

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