13- "ᔕTOKᗴᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯᗴ ᔕOᗰᗴTᕼIᑎᘜ TO ᔕᕼOᗯ YOᑌ"

536 15 1

October 2, 2020
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Today I woke up to pounds on the front door, something I haven't heard since Jah went to jail

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Today I woke up to pounds on the front door, something I haven't heard since Jah went to jail. I quickly brush my teeth and go downstairs, surprised to see Geneva at the door. "Fuck you want?" She has a hateful look in her eyes.

"I suggest that you don't be rude to me, keep in mind that I have control over how long your little friend stays in prison. I want to talk to Nicki."

"I don't give a fuck who you want to talk to, she's asleep. Why the hell are you here so damn early?" Too early for this shit, it's only 7:30.

"I have places to be later, now will you just let me talk to her? Go wake her up or something, this is important." I give her one good hard stare before proceeding to walk up the stairs and wake her up. I didn't want to but she won't leave until she talks to Nicki.

"Aye mamas wake up. Somebody wanna talk to you." After shaking her for a while, she finally gets up and brushes her teeth and washes her face. We both go downstairs when she's finished to see that Geneva invites herself in and is at the counter.

"Fuck is this stank hoe doing here?" It takes everything in me to not laugh at Nicki's face, it's so filled with anger and hate, but she has every right to be angry.

"Look, I just wanted to talk. Stokeley can you go in a different room please?" I give them both an uneasy look before Nicki nods at me and I step away.

 Stokeley can you go in a different room please?" I give them both an uneasy look before Nicki nods at me and I step away

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As Stokeley steps out of the room, Geneva's smirk gets wider. "What do you want?" Nicole asks, tired of looking at Geneva's face already.

"There's just a couple things I wanted to tell you before you go back to see Jahseh again. First, Jahseh is mine, don't try anything. Second, I suggest you stop treating me any type of way, I control Jahseh's life basically. That is all... oh wait no there's one more thing. Watch out." Geneva finishes her sentence before walking out of the house, leaving Nicole standing still, in shock.

Stokeley hears the front door close, making him go back into the room. "Stokes I have something to show you."

"Stokes I have something to show you

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"Stokes I have something to show you." We sit at the counter, and she pulls out her phone. She goes to the messages app and opens one of the conversations. It's saved under a random number that I don't recognize. I start looking at the messages.

"You having fun with Jahseh? I hope so, soon enough you might not see him again."

"Aww, your little boyfriend's gone? Don't worry about him, maybe you should worry about your own safety."

"Watch out."

"Yo what the fuck is this shit? Who is this?" She shrugs with tears in her eyes, I can tell she's afraid. Who the fuck would want to mess with her like that, this shit ain't funny. "Calm down, it's probably a prank, don't worry. Y-you wanna visit Jah today?" She nods slowly and wipes her tears away. We both go get ready and head to the car. We've seen him twice since the first time, and he looks worse each time.

 We've seen him twice since the first time, and he looks worse each time

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"Neva came by the house today." That was the first thing I told Jah, he should know. I saw his eyes change into one of.. sadness?

"You let her in? What she say?" I sighed and told him what happened, leaving out the watch out part.... That's the part that stuck with me. She said watch out, and maybe I'm tripping... but is it a coincidence that the last text that I got from that number was them saying watch out? I don't think so.

"I promise you I'll be out soon babe, I didn't do it. I just.. I still don't know when my trial is, that's all I'm waiting for okay? Don't worry about it, she's just trying to mess with your head." He reaches over and grabs my hand, calming me down a bit. I look over to Stokeley to see him looking down. We stayed there for as long as we could talking, but my mind still stayed on the texts.  (BTW SHE AINT DATING NOBODY, THEY JUST STARTED CALLING EACHOTHER PET NAMES BUT ITS NOTHING TO WORRY ABT)

When we got home, I looked at my phone to see a text from Coolie, we've also been talking since Jah went to jail. I'm starting to catch feelings for him, but he doesn't know.

coolie 🙃:
wanna hang? meet me at my house.

I hug Stokeley goodbye, then head out. I'm telling him today.

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