22- Birthday part 1

452 10 5

january 23, 2021
—Before I start, i'm really sorry for putting this off for almost a month I've been really stressed with school. Also my banners don't load anymore so imma just use names for now and have periodic pictures of them just incase you forgot.—
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It's finally his birthday, It's 7:23 AM and he hasn't woke up yet so I guess I'll get the gifts together and put them downstairs. While I run down the stairs I run into Stokeley who's already cooking breakfast. He's surprisingly not that bad at cooking, he's just lazy and doesn't do it often. "Whatcha cooking?" He jumps to the sound of my voice, I guess he didn't hear me.

"Don't scare me like that girl. Pancakes, sausage, and eggs. I'm making steak later for him." I nod and continue to the living room. I lay them all on the ground, veering even more excited as I look at them all.

Jahseh wakes up at around 8, until then Stokeley and I were just talking and playing around. "Good morning guys." He wipes his eyes and yawns while stomping down the stairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" We both yell at the same time, Jahseh laughs and thanks us. I give him a hug before Stokeley, I've always loved his hugs. He starts sniffing around, smelling the breakfast that we put up. Stokeley goes over to get Jahseh's food out of the microwave and sits it in front of him. Stokeley and I ate earlier because we were really hungry.

"So what do we have planned for the day?" Jahseh drinks his orange juice while cutting his pancakes then looks up at us waiting for our answer.

"We were planning on just hanging out with some friends and going somewhere that's a surprise. Hurry up though, we're supposed to meet up with them at 12." He kids and continues eating as we all talk about anything and everything.

By 8:50, he finishes eating so we go to the living room so he can open our gifts.


I go to the living room to see a whole bunch of gifts wrapped up and a smile immediately appears on my face. I'm shocked they went all out, I told them that they don't have to get me anything.

I pick up one of Nicki's gifts first and she smiles making me smile. Her smile is so pretty. I unwrap it and open the box to see a customized chain with "XXX" on it (LMAO that ain't a thing so don't go lookin fo it). "Oh my god I love it thank you!"
(this goes on for a while, nicki gets him the chain, a choker, and some shirts. Ski gets him some shirts as well, a grill, some shoes.)

"Thank y'all so much, I love y'all. Imma go get ready for later." I take all of my stuff upstairs to my room and start picking my fit for the day.

After showering, brushing my teeth, and everything, I get dressed and walk out

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After showering, brushing my teeth, and everything, I get dressed and walk out. It's around 10 when I finish so I turn on Naruti and wait until we're leaving.


Once he finished opening his gifts, we all go
upstairs to our rooms to get ready.

Once he finished opening his gifts, we all goupstairs to our rooms to get ready

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I take my shower, brush my teeth, so my makeup, and get dressed. By the time Jm finished its 10:30, and I notice that Jah is also finished, so I go to his room to see him on the bed watching Naruto. I plop next to him and lay on his chest. We both look at each other but don't exchange words. He kisses my head and wraps his arm around my waist and we put our attention back to the show. This feels right.


It's 10:45 when I finish getting ready, so I walk past Jahseh's room to tell them that we're about to leave when I see them two cuddled together

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It's 10:45 when I finish getting ready, so I walk past Jahseh's room to tell them that we're about to leave when I see them two cuddled together. If they got together I wouldn't be surprised, they look cute together. I clear my throat to get their attention and they jump, making me chuckle. "Cmon. We have to go now." Jahseh turns off the TV as they get up, and I notice him staring at Nicki's ass. Mmcht pervert.

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