26- "𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟."

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February 5, 2020

February 5, 2020

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Bleeding wound. Painful wound. Unnecessary wound. Wound that was created by my ex best friend. There are so many ways you could describe this wound, but my mind is on something completely different. Why... why me? What the fuck did I do? Out of all the terrible people out there, I'm the one who got kidnapped? And by Kehlani too, I did nothing to her. She is the one who treated me like shit, the one who went against my back. All I did was treat her how any best friend deserves to be treated, and now she's here putting salt in my cuts. I still haven't eaten but food isn't that important to me right now. Jahseh. Is he okay, has he noticed that I'm gone?

"Bitch." I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a male voice, one that sounds familiar. I stay silent as he gets closer. "Miss me?" Ming's voice boomed throughout the basement. This is probably the most afraid I've been since I've been conscious down here. As he gets closer, I try to move away, but there's nowhere I can go.


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Four. Four days. Four days since she's been gone. Four days since she has been taken away from me. Four days since I've eaten. Four days since I've spoke to anybody. Four days. Four. I knew it. I knew something bad was going to happen. I shouldn't have went with Geneva, then this wouldn't be happening, it's my fault. All my fucking fault. Four knocks. I hear four knocks on my door. "Go away." The person who knocked did not go away, they came into my room instead. I lift my head to see Stokeley and Amina. I'm happy they're together. At least somebody's happy.

"Get your ass up. Look I know you're upset, we all are. Don't forget that she was our friend too. But what isn't helping is you sitting here crying. We need to come up with a plan to get her back. We need her. You need her." Stokeley finished with a sigh. I stare. I stare at him, and if I was someone else, I'd almost say he looks as bad as me. As tired and worn out as me. I sit up and grab a notebook. He's right, we do need a plan. We do need her. I do need her.

I didn't think I'd see him again, not in person at least

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I didn't think I'd see him again, not in person at least. My nightmares were enough to keep him in my memory. He kept getting closer, my throat starting to close and eyes becoming watery. He touches my knee, making me flinch strongly. His hands, hard, sweaty, ashy hands slowly make their way up my thigh. Seems familiar, doesn't it? But this time, Jah and Stokeley aren't here to save me. It's just me and him in this empty, echoey, cold basement. "What the fuck are you doing?" Maybe I was wrong. Kehlani's quiet voice rings. Ming rolls his eyes and retracts his hands. "This isn't what she wanted us to do." She?

Kehlani has more food and a bottle of water. I grab the water first and open it hearing the little click confirming that it was actually sealed, so I drink it. On the plate is spaghetti. I refuse to eat it, I can't. "Please eat, you're not supposed to die yet." Yet?

I still don't budge, she pulls another knife out. This time the cut is on my thigh, I don't scream but I flinch slightly. I close my eyes, trying to simply take the pain. She pushes the knife deeper, making my breath hitch. Jahseh, please be here soon.


AH Y'ALL SO I DID THAT... IT'S SHORTER THAN I WANTED BUT UH I PROMISED AN UPDATE. Yeah, hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment 💛

Change of plans 💀 i got busy so imma update for real at least once a week ✌️

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