9- "🇭 🇪  🇺 🇳 🇩 🇪 🇷 🇸 🇹 🇴 🇴 🇩 . 🇭 🇪  🇦 🇱 🇼 🇦 🇾 🇸  🇩 🇴 🇪 🇸 ."

626 19 1

Filler, drama starts next chapter
June 19, 2020

My birthday is in four days, and I'm so excited

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My birthday is in four days, and I'm so excited. It's been a while since I received that weird text, and though I didn't tell anybody about it, I also haven't received anything else, so I'm just gonna assume it was a prank.

Geneva has came around some more, but I've learned to either stay out of the house while she's there or stay in the room. She's so damn aggravating, hating me for what? Because you an insecure bitch who don't trust your man around a prettier female? No need to hate me for that, that sounds like problems coming from you.

Jah and I have been talking more, I think he's trying to make my birthday one of the best ones I've ever had. Coolie and I have also been talking a little bit. I wouldn't really say I have feelings for him yet since like.. I barely know ole dude, but I can tell he's feeling me a bit. I might as well see how this plays out.

Luckily I haven't seen Ming lately, the thought of him still gives me chills. Imagine what would've happened if Stokeley and Jahseh weren't there at that exact time. I honestly don't think I could ever thank them for everything they've done for me. I even tried to get a job so I could finally be out of their hands, but they don't let me. I have some money from my dad's will that my mom luckily didn't steal, so I technically could move out, but they didn't want me to, which is fine by me. I get a text from Coolie, making me avert my attention to my phone.

hey, wanna hang today?

sure, uh where?

meet me by the ihop.

I stop texting him and I run to my closet. I already took a shower earlier since it's around 1, so I just pick out an outfit.

I freshen up a bit then walk out the room, to the front door

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I freshen up a bit then walk out the room, to the front door. Before I can leave, I realize that I don't have a car. "Where you going?" I turn to see Jahseh leaning against the counter with his arms folded.

"Oh I was about to go hang out with Coolie for a bit, but I don't really have a ride. Do you think you could take me? Please?" He looks as if he's thinking for a sec, then nods and grabs his keys. I walk out behind him, and hop into the passenger seat.

"Where y'all meeting?"

"At the iHop closest to here." He nods and we pull off with the silent upbeat music playing on the radio.

"What do you want for your birthday?" He interrupts the silence while looking over at me as we stop at a red light. I shrug and start playing with my nails. Ever since my dad died, I haven't really celebrated my birthday. I mean Kehlani would always get me stuff, but my mother never cared.

"Uh I don't know, surprise me. To be honest, I don't even want you to get me anything. You and Stoke have given me way more than you needed to, so you don't have to go out of your way for anything."

"I know that you're grateful for everything, I know. But we still getting you stuff so don't be surprised when you opening gifts up like it's Christmas." I laugh and his dumb ass joke and he smirks as we pull up to iHop. "Aight we here, if you need a ride back just text me. He safe, aight?" I nod and exit the car then walk over to where Coolie is.

He looks up from his phone and smiles at me, giving me a hug. We get into his car, and he starts driving to his talk. We make casual small talk on the way there, ranging from my birthday to his rapping.

When we get to his house, we go straight to his room and just plop on the bed. This has become normal for us, hanging out in his room. We've done nothing more than shared a small peck, but even then it was kinda weird to me. "So girl how've you been?" I laugh at his choice of words.

"I've been alright, just chillin really. But it's kinda weird, I got this one weird text." I show him the text and he seems confused. He's the first person I told, and normally that text doesn't bother me, but today for some reason it's the only thing that's on my mind.

"I mean they haven't texted since, so it's even weirder. I'd just not think too much about it and just sit tight unless they say sum else. If they do say sum, tell anybody BUT Jahseh. That nigga crazy, ion know what he'd do." That's weird, if they text me again, Jahseh was gonna be the first person I told. I nod and lay back on his bed, thinking about everything.

I stayed there for hours, we talked about everything. My mother, my father, Ming. His exes, my exes. He even admitted he had feelings for me. I told him it was too soon though, and that I'd have to get to know him some more. He understood. He always does.

By the time we finished, it was really late, so I just asked him to take me home. When I got there, I heard female moans, meaning either Geneva is here or Stokeley brought home a hoe. Either way, they both disgusting, but I found my answer as I walked upstairs to see Stokeley covering his ears in my covers. I giggle and get in next to him after changing, the only thing that I want right now is some sleep.

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