2- "𝚂𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍𝚘, 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎?" -edited

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May 19, 2020

Ever since my mom kicked me out, I've been staying at my friend Kehlani's house

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Ever since my mom kicked me out, I've been staying at my friend Kehlani's house. I've been here for 2 days, but we both know I can't stay here too much longer. My mom knows where Kehlani lives, and I don't want Kehlani to get hurt. We've been thinking about places I can stay, but I don't know anybody. Family? Gone. Friends? Don't have em.

"There's this one place..." I look up at her, motioning for her to continue. "My friends, Jahseh and Stokeley, they live somewhat near here. I know you don't know them, but it's the safest place for you.. I can call and ask them." I nod and thank her, and walk up to her guest room, which is where I'm staying.

I didn't unpack any of my clothes because I knew I'd be gone soon. "So y'all are coming over? Okay, thanks so much guys." I hear as I walk back to the living room. Even though I didn't know the people I'd be possibly moving in with, like I said, I don't want Kehlani in any danger.

Soon, there's a knock on the door, and two men come in. They're short, but taller than me. One is lightskinned with half blonde and half black dreads. He has a lot of face tats, and has a resting mad face. The other is dark skinned, had a durag and hat on, and also has some face tats. "Nicki, this is Jahseh and Stokeley. Stokeley and Jahseh, this is Nicki. She's the one I was telling you about.. the one that needs somewhere to stay." They both look over at me and look me up and down.

"Why isn't she at home?" The dark skinned one, or 'Stokeley', asks.

"Well because she can't be." They nod, and sit on a couch across from me. My breath starts to go faster subconsciously.

"We can take her." Jahseh says suddenly, making me extremely happy. I ran up to him and hug him tight, without thinking. He hesitates, but wraps his arms around my waist loosely. I pull away after a second and feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"Sorry.. but thank you guys so much." I go to get my bags, happy to finally be able to go somewhere, even though these men are still strangers.

I'm only taking her in because I'm not heartless

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I'm only taking her in because I'm not heartless. On the phone, Kehlani explained why she can't stay here anymore and that we were the only other people she knew. I don't really plan on actually talking to the girl, she can just stay in our guest room until she gets back on her feet.

When she hugged me it felt weird. But not like a butterflies weird, more like a, "she's a weirdo why the fuck is she touching me" weird. I guess she went to go get her stuff. My thoughts are soon interrupted by Kehlani. "She's really nice and independent, she won't be annoying." I nod, but I'm still not so sure about that.

Wait what am I doing? I don't even know this bitch and I'm letting her sleep in my damn house? On my momma if she end up stealing something or some of that bullshit I'm going to jail again for murder.

She soon comes back down the stairs with only one small suitcase. "Let's go." We go to my car, and start the drive to my house.

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