12- "I ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ғᴏʀ ᴅʀᴜɢs."

572 16 23

September 1, 2020 (for a few chapters every chapter will mark a new month)

It's been a month since Jahseh went to jail and everything had gone downhill

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It's been a month since Jahseh went to jail and everything had gone downhill. Kehlani and I don't talk as much because she doesn't want to associate with me since I think Jahseh didn't do it. It just truly doesn't make sense to me, Geneva hasn't even been at our house for a while and he hasn't been at hers.

Stokeley and I are always there for each other though since we're all we have left basically. Stokeley has been talking to this girl, her name is Amina. She's really pretty and nice, I like her.
(she's in the thingy^^, her insta is @glowprincesss)

She knows about the Jahseh situation and also doesn't really think he did it, she heard from one of her friends that she got jumped. We haven't visited him yet, we weren't allowed to, and today marks the first day we can, so Stokeley and I are going. I'm so nervous, I don't know what's gonna happen. Shit, maybe he will say he did it... unlikely. And to be honest, if anyone was going to abuse anyone, why would they do it on their face? After years and years of abuse from my mom, I learned one thing: Never hit their face.

After showering and stuff , I put on my outfit and wait for Stokes in the kitchen

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After showering and stuff , I put on my outfit and wait for Stokes in the kitchen. "You ready?" I nod and we walk out the car and go to the jail.

"Hi, we're here to see Jahseh Onfroy." The lady at the desk smacks on her gum and does a check on us to make sure we don't have drugs.

"Go to that room right there, he should be there in a few." We walk to the room and sit at the table, and my hands start sweating from nervousness.

"Chill out, don't worry about it too much." Stokeley started to notice how nervous I was, so he started to calm me down. My head snaps up to the sound of a chair being pulled from under the table, and I see Jahseh sitting across from me.

"J-Jah-" He stares into my eyes, both of us silent. I didn't know what to say, I never thought I'd be visiting someone in jail.

"I didn't do it. I didn't do it. She's lying on my name, please believe me." I nod, I believe him. Tears start to fall from my eyes, and Jah reaches over the table to wipe them. "Don't cry, I won't be here for long. You can visit all the time, and you have Stokes with you. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Jah, don't be sorry. I just- When is your trial date?" He sighs and shrugs, I guess they didn't tell him yet. We all have conversations and small talk for about 20 more minutes before Jah has to go. I give him a big hug that lasts for about 10 seconds before the guards start forcefully pulling him off. Tears start to form in my eyes again, and I look away and start going to the car.

*skip car ride home*

Once Stokeley and I get home, we both go to his room and start to watch movies. My tears have gone away, but I'm still sad. "Amina is my girlfriend." My head shoots up, and I look at him smiling, forgetting about the previous events.

"Really? Oh my god since when? Why haven't you told me?" I start hitting him softly as he laughs.

"Since yesterday, I just asked. I'm not even gon lie bro I'm so happy. She makes me happy." I smile widely and start clapping, it's about time he asked instead of being a pussy.

"I'm proud of you, you're not a pussy no more. I like her too, she nice." He chuckles and nods as we go back to watching the movie.

I miss Jahseh, I really do. And Geneva... I'm not even going to touch her. Imma let karma handle her bitch ass. Like I always thought she was shady, but this is just terrible. Why would anyone do that to a person, it just makes real accusations of domestic abuse lol fake. I just hope his trial is soon and the judge believes the real story, if not Jah could get up to life in prison and I don't think I could take that, let alone Stokeley. My thoughts are interrupted by 3 notifications.

unknown: watch out.

lani: imagine being friends with a woman beater... couldn't be me.

mother: i need money for drugs.

Notice how I never get positive texts. I put my phone down without answering anybody, and I look over to Stokeley to see him asleep. I go back to my room after turning off his TV, and I get into bed.

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