29 - "Y'all remember the plan, right?"

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February 10, 2020
     4731 Greenwood Drive. That's the address in my GPS right now. Ski is in the passenger, Tank is in the backseat. We loaded the car with all types of guns. We all have a serious look on our face, not even able to crack jokes right now. We're about 41 minutes away - I hope we're not too late. I really really pray nothing too bad happened.

     I'm sat back in my chair, legs tied up. This time though, Kehlani stays downstairs with me. I open my mouth, ready to ask something, but I decide against it. "What is it?" Welp never mind.
"I just want to know... why? We were the best of friends, we did everything together. I told you about my mom problems, you told me about your dad problems. You literally made sure I had somewhere to live... so why?"
She sighs, and looks down. She starts to play with her hands, something she does when uncomfortable or nervous. "Fuck, I don't know. I'll be honest, I didn't even believe the allegations against Jahseh. I just felt like you were replacing me. You had so many stories about Jahseh, Stokeley, and Coolie, and I hated it. I wanted those stories to be ones that we shared. Soon, Geneva started talking to me and saying that you always talked shit about me to the guys, and I just lost it. Should I have believed her? No. I did, though." She stops speaking, and I just look at her. If she felt like I was replacing her, she could've just talked to me. She didn't have to put Jahseh in jail and kidnap me in order to get me back.
     "Who else is helping you?" She shrugs. I assume she can't say. I already know Ming, and I'm assuming Geneva as well. I just don't know who put this all together.. I know they're all evil but putting together a whole kidnapping? I don't think they're capable of it - not smart enough. We sit in silence for a while, and I just can't help but think about how my life has turn upside down since I met Jah and Stokes. While I am upset about being kidnapped, I can't say it's the worst thing I've endured. The worst was the pain, suffering, and abuse I went through after my fathers death.

    We pull up to the house, and I notice the shape it's in. Terrible. The bricks are marked, the house itself is small, the door is dented. I think about knocking, but then I realize that wouldn't help in any way. Tank and Ski follow behind, and Tank cocks the gun. Before he shoots the window, I stop him. "Y'all remember the plan, right?" They both nod, and I let Tank continue. As soon as he shoots, we all run in, and I start running towards the basement - that's the only place they'd likely hide her. Stokes and Tank start running around the house with guns, looking for the kidnapper(s).

     I hear a loud shattering noise, but I pay no mind. It's not my business anyways. I hear lots of yelling, lots of bullets, but the one thing that catches my attention is the running down the stairs. I look up to see Jahseh, and I don't think I've ever been more happy and relieved. That feeling ends soon, though, because behind him I see someone that I wished to never see again. My mother.
     I try to warn him, try to speak up, but I can't get the words out. As he runs to me, my mom picks up a bat that was kicked to the side of the room. I just point, not trusting my mouth anymore. He turns abs quickly dodges, but I notice he doesn't have a gun on him. He can dodge all he wants, but I don't know how we'll leave with no weapons. The yelling and gun sounds persist upstairs, and I hear the voice of someone who I've missed dearly - Stokeley.

     As Tank and I wander the house, we spot Tank and Kehlani. Fuck. We both start shooting, but we do so carefully because we don't want to run out of bullets. We keep getting closer and they continue to back up until they're cornered. Pussies. I point the gun to Ming's head and Tank does the same to Kehlani. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't blow your brains out right now." I say, venomously. One tear falls from Mings eye, and I suddenly feel a cold blade at my hip. I look down, and Ming's pulled out a pocket knife. If I shoot, I get stabbed. However if I don't shoot, I still might get stabbed, and I'll be useless. Tank still has Kehlani against the wall, but she has no weapons on her. She starts to sob uncontrollably, and I almost start to feel bad. Almost.
     I turn my attention back to Ming, and he starts to put more pressure on the knife. I back up, and he starts to come closer to me holding the knife out. I come back just enough to shoot, and I do so right into his chest. He falls back, and Kehlani screams. I pick up his knife, and look and Tank. "You got her?" He nods, and I run to where Jahseh went. Because the house isn't big, it's not hard to find the basement door, and I start running down.
     I come to see Nicki tied up crying and Jahseh avoiding a bat. I run over to Nicki first, and start untying her. The woman with the bat doesn't stop me because all of her attention is on Jahseh, and as soon as Nicki is untied, I give her a big, but quick, hug. I give her the knife that Ming had, and I make my way over to the woman. I shoot her in her ankle - not a spot to have her killed, but definitely one to slow her down. As she falls, Nicki gets closer to her.

     I bend down to my mothers level, and I can tell she's high. I take a deep breath, and kiss her forehead. Every action I make is slow. I take the knife from my left hand, and start grazing it down her chest. I stop st her stomach, and start to poke it in. I go deeper and deeper, but I stop before she dies. I don't want her to die, but I want her to feel the pain she's put me through. She screams and screams, and I've become deaf to them. Jahseh and Stokeley just watch me, and a tear falls from my eye onto her face. "Fuck you." I get up and go upstairs, with them following. Before we leave, Stokes shoots her in her other ankle, so that she can't move even if she tried.
      We go up the stairs to see Tank and Kehlani in a corner - Kehlani crying, Tank emotionless. I go behind him, and look in her eyes. Fear is what I can see, paired with remorse and guilt. She catches my own eyes, and starts crying more. "My only request is that you don't kill her. Do whatever else." I whisper to Tank, then walk away with Jahseh and Stokeley. As we walk to the car, I hear one gunshot with screams, and Tank follows behind. We get in the car and drive off in silence, and I just take a nap.

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