10- "You're beautiful."

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June 23, 2020

SOMEBODY LOOK AT THE CALENDAR, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS? ITS A BITCHES BIRTHDAY!! Deadass I'm so excited for today and I don't even know why

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SOMEBODY LOOK AT THE CALENDAR, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS? ITS A BITCHES BIRTHDAY!! Deadass I'm so excited for today and I don't even know why. Probably because not only am I legal so my mom can't take control of me anymore, but I'm finally spending it with people that actually care about me.

Jah and Stokes planned something for today, they didn't tell me what. They just told me to get dressed and meet them downstairs, so what did I do? I got dressed and met them downstairs.

I walk down the stairs, careful not the trip and have all my tithes fall out

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I walk down the stairs, careful not the trip and have all my tithes fall out. "Damn ma... who you tryna get with?" I laugh loudly at Stoke's comment, as I continue to walk over to Jah. His attention is in the TV until I'm right next to him, and as soon as he turns to me, his mouth drops.

"Uh.. you ready?" I nod my head and we all skip to the car. "You like the fair?" I nod my head excitingly. I haven't been to the fair since before my dad died, we used to go all the time.

We pull up to it, and I can barely stay in my seat, I'm so happy. We get out the car, get our tickets, and meet up with Coolie, Kehlani, Tank, and Geneva. Why the fuck is she here. I give everyone hugs, including Geneva to be petty, and we start walking to the rides. "Jah can we go on that one?" I point to a big rollercoaster, and he smiles and nods.

"Uh no, Im scared of roller coasters." Hoeneva decides to complain.

"Tough, shouldn't have came to the fair. Anyways we're going." Kehlani shut that shit up real quick, making me laugh.

We get to the front of the line, and I sit next to Coolie, Ski sits next to Jah, and Kehlani sits next to Tank. Geneva decided not to get on it. We scream the whole time and laugh, and honestly I'm so happy to be here, this is probably one of my best birthdays. After getting off, we decided to play some games so Coolie can win some stuff for me. "Which one do you want?" I pick out a big teddy bear which is like half my height, and I get it once Coolie wins.

While we're all laughing and having fun, Geneva just looks pissed. Why did she even come if she was just gonna be unhappy?
time skip like 3 hours

We then decide to get on the ferris wheel since it's getting dark and we're leaving soon. This time, I sit next to Coolie, Jah sits next to Geneva, Kehlani sits next to Ski, and Tank didn't wanna get on it so he's at the bottom holding our stuff.

I look over at Coolie to see him already staring at me. "The view is so beautiful" I say, talking about the view from the top.

"You're beautiful." (lmao headass) I start blushing uncontrollably, and I notice he starts to lean in. Instead of going with my first thought and pulling back, I lean in as well, and we kiss until we're at the bottom again. We pull away and look at each other for a second, and I can't help but blush and look away.

We get off the ride, and start walking back to the car. "Hey wait!" Before I could get in, Coolie and Tank stop me. "Here." They both give me gift bags, making me smile.

"You guys didn't have to, thanks!" I decide to open them at the house since that's where I'm opening the rest of the gifts, and Kehlani is coming over.

"Happy birthday!" They say before getting in their car and driving off.
time skip, @ the house.

"Open your damn gifts girl!" Stokeley pushes me in the house rushing me, and I laugh and run to the living room where I see so many boxes. I decide to open the ones from Kehlani first.

4 outfits, some makeup, and a necklace. She also got me a pair of pajamas, but not just any pajamas, they're kinda... showy 😭. I run over to her and hug her tightly, this had to be expensive. "Thanks bitchhhh!"

"No problem, open the rest." I decide to do Stokeley's next, and he got me about $400 in cash, some Jordan condord 11's, and some gucci belts. I smile at him and hug him, thanking him as well.

I open Tank and Coolie's gifts. Tank got me money as well, and Coolie got me a ring. Not a wedding ring, more like a promise ring... even though we're not together. I'll call them later and thank them.

Jahseh comes into the room with about 5 boxes, and I run up and grab them from him since he was damn near about to fall. "These are from me."

I open them, and there's 5 outfits in one box, 3 necklaces in another, 4 bracelets in another box, $500 in another small box, and a bunch of gift cards to a whole bunch of different restaurants. I run up to him and hug him tightly, he didn't have to do all that, shit I didn't even think the guy liked me. "Thank you guys so much for everything, today was really fun!" We all have a group hug and chill for a while, watching movies, until we all get tired. Lani goes back home, and Stokes and Jah go to bed.

I got to my room and pull out my room, no missed calls. Meaning my mom, she didn't call me.. on my birthday. Not surprised, but like it's still harsh... Oh well.

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