The End

180 8 13

Seven years into the future (2026)

3rd POV

"Me and my mom's friend's daughter are getting married." Mark looked down at his hand interlocked with Jane's. Jack was stunned. With a blank expression tears ran down his pale face. His lip quivered. He couldn't bring himself to speak. Jack stood up nocking the restaurant chair over. The other customers stared from their own tables. Though Jack did not care. He couldn't care. All he could do was run. So he did. He ran and he ran.

Jack could hear Mark behind him. He stopped and turned around to look at his now former lover. Jack knew he looked like a mess. Red stripes down his cheeks where the tears fell. A red nose, puffy eyes, a quivering lip.

"You said you would be my one and only...! you said you would never let me go!" Jack screeched.

"No! Jack you don't under-" Mark began to speak when Jack cut in,

"There's nothing to understand! You're marrying some woman, when you said you would hold my hand until the end. You said..." Jack couldn't finish his sentence. He booked it. Jack sprinted to the park a couple blocks from the restaurant they had been at. He could hear Mark yelling his name but Jack was too heart broken to even see his face. He wasn't even chasing after him. Did he ever care? Do I mean nothing to him? Was I such a fool to fall for him? I should have seen the toxicity and red flags earlier... Dozens of self deprecating and torturous thoughts clouded Jack's mind as he ran aimlessly in one direction... He was so lost in his mind and his eyes were so blurred by tears it was hard to see two feet in front of him... then he saw it...


A bright light.

Jack froze.

It wasn't one light.

It was two.

Coming toward him.



The noise of a body being hit by a car was heard.

Mark's world.


Mark's POV

I didn't want to chase after him. He must be so upset. But he needs to hear me out...

I look back up to where my love was running.
Right before my eyes. Jack stopped in the middle of the road. He was now lit up by the lights of a car. No,

"JACK!" I screamed as loud as I could, shredding my vocal chords. The loudest noise I had ever heard erupted from the impact and from the sound of my heart being torn to shreds. No. I ran to him. You're okay. Your okay. You're okay. You're okay! There he laid. Splayed out on the concrete. Blood pooled around him. No. I knelt down, "Jack, my love. Wake up. Please Jack wake up. Baby just open your eyes. Please...please...

Jack never opened his eyes again.

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