Day 2

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Jack's POV

This morning was same as yesterday morning, peaceful. There was one thing a little bit different though. This morning I decided to destroy the notebook I had filled with "Mark".  When my underlying crush on him had begun, I kept a notebook with drawings of him and any information I could get my hands on. It's creepy, I know, but I wanted to do anything I could to be closer to him. I ripped the pages out and burned them one by one. Out of no where, a powerful gust of wind came through and blew some pages out of my hand. I scrambled to collect them but some pages were too quickly scattered and blown away. Crouching down, I picked up one of my favorite drawings. I looked down at it fondly but quickly remembered why its out of the notebook and in my hand. Crumpling it up I laughed at myself for my own stupidity. I eventually gave up when I thought I had collected most of them. Oh well, no one could know they're mine anyways.

When I arrived at school, I waved hello to my few friends as I headed to my locker to get some things for the day. While looking into my locker I get an odd feeling of dread. Like when you feel as though you've forgotten something extremely important. As I left my locker and began my walk to first period, I heard a harsh voice behind me.

"Hey!" I keep walking thinking it's meant for someone else. Until I feel a firm hand grasp my shoulder. I turn around thinking it's just someone recruiting for clubs. When I saw the boy in front of me, my heart felt like it was being squeezed in someone's fist. It was the bully from that day that Mark saved me at school. I guess that this is what I was forgetting... Although I should have been, I wasn't scared at all. I knew that no matter what happened, Mark would come to my rescue. "Were you trying to ignore me, shrimp?" The tall boy with brunette hair and green eyes asks me. I sigh,

"No, I didn't know you we're talking to me." I uselessly try to explain myself. I know he won't listen to me anyways. I just wanted him to punch me and get it over with... "What do you want?" I asked emotionless,

"Well my last play thing left this school, so looks like you'll be filling in for him." He licks his bottom lip and smirks at me. I cringe at this gesture. Once again I black out after seeing his fist rush toward my face.
I woke up sitting in the waiting room chair with an ice pack on my eye. Sitting next to me is...
"Mark..." I said disappointedly. He looked at me pitifully. I looked away. Go away go away go away go away...

"Some kid beat you up, I split it up, sent him to the principals office, and escorted you to the nurses." he explains to me.
"Yeah, I know." I said through a strained sigh. He gave me an inquisitive look. At that moment the principals office door, which is right in front of the nurse, opens and the kid and his parent walk out. Mr.Felix walks out and starts towards me. Mark shifts in his hair and grumbles something under his breath. His sudden change in demeanor was confusing. The incident with the principle didn't even happen... Felix looked down at Mark, noticing his uncomfortable actions. He rolled his eyes and finally cut the tension,

"Can I just have a moment with Jack?" Felix asks. Mark looks at me then back up at Felix.
"Five minutes Felix." He says as he walks a little down the hall giving us privacy to talk. Felix sits next to me.
"Um, hey kid I'm sorry about that kid who hit you. You need to know I care about you ok? I won't let any other kids lay a hand on you. Um... feel better Jack." He pats my knee and starts towards his office.

"Wait, Mr.Felix?" I call to him and he turns around. "Um, thank you." I give him a little smile, he does the same and continues to his office. Mark comes back and sits down next to me.

"Hey for real, are you oka-?"

"Thank you Mr.Fischbach for saving me." I say with an awkward smile. I stand up to leave the office when Mark stops me,

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