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Hello, haven't written in a long time, huh? I'm sorry. I'm going to start writing more often! I hope I didn't lose too many of you guys! Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks. As always I love you and enjoy the story!❤️❤️❤️ PS If you have suggestions on how to progress this story PLEASE SHARE!!!

Jacks POV

I woke up with warm strong arms wrapped around me. I turned to see Mark peacefully asleep. Standing up, I search for my boxers and my shirt. I throw on the shirt and boxers and walk downstairs. I search his kitchen for breakfast making stuff. As I'm cooking the eggs, I hear Mark walking down the stairs with a heavy step. Poor guy must still be tired. I pretend not to notice him and keep cooking.

"Morning lovely" Mark speaks in his deap sexy morning voice. His voice makes me shudder,

"Your morning voice is so sexy, Mark." Setting the spatula on the counter I turn to face him. His hair is disheveled, he's wearing his glasses, and he's only wearing a pair of boxers. My jaw drops.

"What? You like what you see?" He asks, coyly. I nod, Unashamed. He pulls me to him and gives me a squeeze.

Mark and I arrive at school and head our separate ways for the day. I head to my locker grab my supplies and head to first period. The day is pretty normal, until I start to feel unwell. My body begins to ache and my throat kind of itches. Damn am I getting sick? Feeling more drowsy by the minute I try to make my way through this day. The day goes by like a snail. My last period I'm practically a zombie, trudging down the hall. I feel so sluggish and sickly. Once the day is over Mark offers to take me home but I refuse. I refuse to get Mark sick!!! Once I walk home I set my bedroom up for some serious nose blowing action! I spend the rest of that evening sick in bed.

The next morning I feel even worse. I decide to stay home and rest. I'm awoken at about 12pm by the sound of the doorbell. I ignore it predicting it's just a solicitor or something. I close my eyes drifting back off to sleep but am brought straight back to awareness by another ring of the doorbell. I groan loudly using the little energy I have to get out of bed and down the stairs. With a blanket wrapped around my shoulder, looking like absolute trash I open the front door. Standing on the stoop is none other than Mark. At the sight of him I immediately close the door in his face.
He can't see me like THIS!

"U-uh, hi mark!" I yell through the door. "What are you doing here?! Don't you have school today?!"

"I do but I'm on break. Thought I'd bring you some soup!" Mark yells back to me. Why is he so sweet?!

"Thank you that's so thoughtful! You can just leave it on the stoop! I'll see you later okay? Bye bye!" I try to rush him away so I can snatch that soup up.

"Alright I'll just leave it here in front of the door. I'll see you later Jack!" As soon as I think he's gone I open the door to get the soup but am surprised to see Mark still standing there with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Maaaaarrrk!" I groan at his trickery. "Not cool Mark." I say covering up my face with my blanket.

"Hey cmon I just wanted to see my adorable boyfriend." I blush and move the blanket down a little.

"Okay well here I am. Now gimme the soup and leave before you catch my freakin Ebola virus!" I say, widely overreacting. He rolls his eyes, hands me the soup and waves goodbye.

After eating his soup I decide to thank him for the soup. I pick up my phone to text him, when my head begins to ache. (more so than before)

Thank you for reading. As I said before I'll be writing more, on BOTH story's. Please stick with me okay? I'm not perfect and I get that. I truly appreciate anybody's support. I've decided to start shouting supportive people out in my chapters again. I just feel it's so positive and nice. Idk thought it might be cool. ALSO!! Comments and suggestions are welcome! If you have suggestions on how to progress this story PLEASE SHARE!!!

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