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Thank you to mjbwriter &CookedPotato99  for voting for my last chapter! Love y'all! Enjoy!

Jacks POV

I'm shaking in the last stall standing on the toilet seat praying to god. He kicks open the first stall door, then the second, and the third. Shit. I brace myself.
The door swings open and the kid looks at me and smirks. I step down off the toilet and face him.

"Well well. It's the douchebag that got me suspended! Well we'll just have to punish him, won't we ty?" He looks to the boy who I now assume is Ty.

"Gee, I guess so Devin. What do you think is a proper punishment for him?" Ty asks the bully who I now know as Devin. Devin grabs my collar and pulls me out of the stall and shoved me into the brick wall of the bathroom. I hit my head hard.

"Ok, Ty hold his arms behind his back and face him towards me." Devin directs his friend. Ty nods his head and pull my arms behind my back making me hiss. Devin looks down at me with a sick look. He holds up his fists and I know what's about to happen. I try to tune out the pane and just let them take their anger out on me. Devin repeatedly punches me in the face. And when I can't stand any more Ty let's me down on the floor. They booth start kicking me in the back and the stomach.

They leave the bathroom laughing and highfiving each other. I lay on the floor for about fifteen more minutes. I finally gain the strength to stand and walk over to the sink. I cup my hands and collect water to splash in my face. Once the blood is washed off my face and I've done everything I can to cover up what happened although it's still quite obvious.

My next class is right before Marks. I hold my stomach with my arm and hunch over while slowly making my way to my next class. I enter the classroom before the bell rings and sit in the back. The teacher hasn't arrived at the class yet so I just rest on my desk until the bell rings. I end up sleeping through the class and am woken up by the next bell I stand up slowly and walk the same way to Marks classroom.

I enter the classroom first because everyone else is goofing off in the hallway. Mark hasn't arrived yet. He must be in a meeting. I lay my head down but soon I hear the door open and Mark walks in. He doesn't notice me for a few seconds but he eventually does. His eyes widen and he opens his mouth to talk when the first student come in the room. He closes his mouth and fakes a smile while everyone piles in. He goes on with the class.

The bell rings and everyone leaves before I have the chance to because I can't stand up or walk quickly. I make my way to two feet in front of the door. Mark rushes over and closes the door as he leans against it white his back and looks down at me. I try to make an angry menacing face but he's Marks so... He makes a worried expression and cups my face in his hands hunching over to match my height.

"J-Jack, what happens to you? Are you alright? Who did this." He spews questions at me but my lip quivers and I try to hold back tears as I look away.

"N-no one did this look just....I-I fell down the stairs this morning." I shrug my shoulders lying horribly. I look up to see if he bought it. He has and angry expression on his face. He grabs my wrist roughly and drags me to his car.

"O-ow! Mark you're hurting me please slow down!" I beg him from the pain. He slows down a little and loosens his grip he leaves me at the passenger side of the car.

"Get in." He says coldly walking to the other side of the car. I do as he says and buckle in. I cry silently the whole ride. He puts his hand on my knee and I push it off.

"Listen Jack I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He starts pulling into my driveway. "I just can't stand the thought of whoever did his getting away with it. But I understand why you can't tell me." He sighs and looks down. I hold his hand and he looks up at me. I smile sadly and he does the same. "Let's go inside." He suggests.

He exits the car and I do too. We walk into my house and he's on me immediately. I hiss into hiss lips and he pulls back.

"Oh Jack I'm sorry." He says brushing my hair with his hand. I giggle at his kindness.

"It's fine let's just go easy today. Ok?" I ask looking up at him.

"Ok." He says kissing me again but softer.

Another thanks to mjbwriter &CookedPotato99  for voting on the last part! Thanks a lot you don't know how much it means!☺️

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