Chapter 8

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I took a deep breathe as stood in front of the net "are you ready Chibi" I looked Ookawa and nodded while waiting for the toss and when it came I jumped as high as I could and spiked the ball hard.

When I landed on my feet the whole gym got quite and I could barley hear the murmurs coming from the random students "damn he can partially fly" I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled while looking down.

Then we heard clapping so I looked up at the coach "just like you said Oikawa he's really talented and we can use him" my smile went brighter and I looked at Oikawa but he went quickly looked away.

-if I didn't know better I swear I could have seen him blushing-

~~time skip~~

Once pratice had ended I went to the locker room and got changed but as I did Oikawa said him and Kentaro are going to be taking me shopping for a mew phone. So I quickly got dressed and gathered all my stuff up till it hit me "Oikawa" I turned around and saw him shirtless and showing off his 6 pack "c-can I borrow your phone.

It took everything I had not to blush

"Sure chibi"

He turned around and started to look through his locker for it but as he did so I saw the muscles in his back moving and I had the urge to run my fingers all over them but I held myself back again.

"Here you go"

When he turned back to me I made sure to keep myself in check and took his phone from him and called my mom.


"Hey mom I'm going to be late"

"Why sweetie"

"My phone was broken due to someone mad because Kageyama was calling me so they threw my phone down and is going to bie me a new one"


"ok sweetie just be careful and make sure to give me your number when you get home love you"


After we hung up I gave Oikawa his phone back and went back to getting dressed and after I got my shoes on Oikawa had told me both him and Kentaro were already ready.

I quickly shoved my pratice clothes in my locker and grabbed my bag and ran out of the locker room behind them.

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