Chapter 31

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~~Hinata's POV~~

"nii-chan, Ken I would like to officially introduce you 2 to my mate and my new pack"

"Did you just call him nii-chan"

"Did you just say mate"

I looked between both of them as they both stared at me in disbelief "yes that's what I said" they looked at each and their gaze harden "leave them be show you show me to our room" I looked at Kenma as he yawned it was s long ride "I smiled and nodded as I grabbed this hand skipped towards the house leaving the 2 alphas to stare at each other and kentaro following us

"Is it ok to leave them like that"

I nodded as I opened the door "they won't kill each other because they know the other is important to me" I led Kenma upstairs "your room is next to mine and Oikawa's" he nodded "so what's the plan" I smiled "well right now we're just getting everything ready for a cook out and to have a bon fire down by the beach" I opened the to his room

"and here is your lovely adobe"

~~3rd POV~~

Oikawa and Kuroo were to busy staring each other down "I figured Sho would run and drag him inside" without braking eye contact with Oikawa Kuroo spoke up

"he's not allowed to run with Kenma's hand in his otherwise he'll just drag him around and it's a better chance for him to accidentally hurt Kenma"

"How are your his brother"

"How are you his mate"

The others sighed and went to the car and started to get the stuff out "I asked you first" Oikawa took a step forward which also made Kuroo take a step forward "yes well I asked you second" the other groaned as they just ignored them and carried everything in

"Well I'm his big brother because he's my childhood friend who I helped save from his dad and since then he's been calling nii-chan"

This made Oikawa's look change from overprotective boyfriend to confused boyfriend "what do you mean save from his dad" Kuroo now changed his looks from overprotective big brother to confused big brother

"wait you don't know"

They went back to staring at each other "no" Kuroo sighed and put his hand out "truce till I explain everything to you" Oikawa looked at his hand and without a second thought he shook it

"Truce till you explain what you mean"

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