Chapter 15

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I stood behind her as she opened the door and saw Oikawa standing there with a little boy in front of him and what i presume to be his mom next to him

"Oikawa what are you doing here"

Mom looked down at me as his mom started to look between me and him "omg you 2 are mates" she started to smile brightly then looked at my mom who started to smile just as brightly and looked at me

"Is that true"

I started to blush bright while looking down at my feet "ye-yes" I saw a hand grab mine and lace their finger through mine so I looked up and saw Oikawa smiling at me which made me give a small smile back

"Come Shoyo lets move out of the way for them to come in"

With a small nod I nodded to the so the could come in while our hands was still connected

"Natsu our guest are here come on down"

~~time skip~~

Once we were done eating our moms told us that we could go to my room while they sat around and cought up while the kids sat down to watch some kids movie so with a blush I grabbed Oikawa's hand and lead him up the stairs towards my mom

"Remember son keep the door open we dont need you 2 mating so soon"

I felt my face heat up even more then how it was "m-mom shut up" I quickened my pace as I heard both of our moms laughing

"This is my room"

I opened my door and steped to the side so he could see "why am I not surprised" I looked down as I started to fidget around as he walked into the room

"you truly are a volleyball nut through and through"

I glanced up at him and saw that he was looking around my room with a smile on his face

"Do-do you like it"

I felt myself started to get more and more anxious as he just stoof there looking around and I felt my omega getting on edge "I like it, it suits you" I tried hard to keep myself from jumping up in happiness

"I'm-I'm glad"

I felt my omega from anxious to be happy and proud that our mate likes our room which means he'll like how I decorate our house

My eyes widdened at that thought I started to shake my head in hopes of getting rid of such thought

-we're still young you shouldn't be thinking of such things-

"Are you ok up"

I didnt realize how close we were till I looked up and saw that our faces was inches apart from each other my face instaly went bright red and I backed up

"uhh yea I was just, uhh I was just shaking off a thought I had"

He leaded back with his hands on his hips with a smirk

"Oh yea and what kind of thought was it"

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