Chapter 17

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~~Hinata’s POV~~

I stood in the door way sadly waving by to OIkawa “oh stop pouting you’ll see him to morrow” I looked at my and nodded “you can also dress cutly for him” I felt a smile form on my lips as I watched him drive away with his mom and nephew

 “your right but I need to take a shower”

Once they were out sight I closed the door and ran up the stairs “but I need to take a shower before I chose what I want to wear” I heard her laughing which was followed by Natsu’s sleepy groaning

“ok I'm going to out your sister down for bed”

I didn't say anything back just went into my room and got my pjs before going to the bathroom and taking my shower.

~~time skip~a few days later~~

Once my alarm woke me up I quickly turned it off and quickly sat up with a small yawn and went to get out of bed

“look at the little cutely little one with his bed hair”

My eyes snapped up at the door and saw Oikawa standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk “what are you doing here so early” he pushed himself of the doorway and made his way to me

 “your mom called me early this morning asking me to come over because she had to take your sister to the hostpail because she was running a fever” 

I looked down at my lap “why didn’t she wake me up like she ususally does” he sat down on my bed next to me “because she said that you need your rest and that it was a small fever and not to worry about anything” I nodded “ok if you say so” he smiled and petted my head and stood up 

“Hurry up and get dressed made breakfeast”

I looked at him with a disbelief look which made him laugh

“I only made some toast with eggs and some veggies since thats the only breakfeast thing I know how to make”

I smiled as I stood up but without thinking I kissed his cheek and made my way to the closet where I have my outift picked out and closed the door behind me so he couldn't peek in on me.

I looked at myself in the mirror -did I just kiss his cheek- I touched my cheeks as I started to blush and I started to blush even more as I relized that i did

~~Oikawa’s POV~~

I stared at the closed door that Hinata had just closed on me and slowly riased my hand to where he kissed me

-he just-

I smiled and turned aorund to head down the stairs back to the kitchen but was stopped by something that shining and relfecting that was coming from between his pillows.

I went over to the and looked around but didn’t see anything so I moved them and saw a camera attached to the wall so i deattached it and gave it a closer look and saw my sisters name in very small print on the bottom 

-the hell is this doing here-

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