Chapter 4

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I looked at him and slowly nodded and he hugged me "your apart of our pack now" I blushed as I looked up at him "p-pack" "what mad is trying to say is that your now one us, we'll take you tomorrow to enroll at our school" I couldn't see who was talking because Ken had my face in his chest but I could tell that it was Oikawa.

"So if your a pack whose the alpha"

It took 3 people to pry Ken off of me "that would be me" I looked up at Oikawa "and as alpha I accept you" I smiled "I've never been a pack" they all looked at me in confusion "isnt Karusno a pack". I tilted me head to the side "if they are they never told me or invited me in" I qas quickly pulled back into Ken's arms again but this time he started to pet my head which felt nice.

~~time skip~~

It was around dinner when Oikawa drove me home "thank you for bringing me home" he leaned over and looked at my house "nice place" I smiled "its just me, my mom and my little sister so we don't need a big house" he nodded and handed me a piece of paper.

"Here my number, I'll call you in the morning"

I nodded as I got out and made my way to the door and went inside but as soon as I did I realized that I didnt give him my number so I opened the door in Hope's that he was still there but he wasn't "I see you made friends already". I jumped and quickly turned around to see my mom standing there with her hands on her hips "I uhh well" I stood straight up with a smile "I chose the school I want and I'm apart of a pack now".

I saw nothing but happiness and pride on her face "well good thing I made your favorite" my eyes sparkled "meat buns" she nodded as I skipped my way to dinning table but not without putting my bag on the hook next to the door.

After dinner I went up to my room to get ready for bed and as I sat down on my bed I remembered that I didn't save nor messge Oikawa so I quickly got up and grabbed my phone and the piece of paper with the number on to quickly save it then gave him a quick good night messge so he would have my number.

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