Chapter 12

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I woke up the next morning with a yawn and sat up "man I fell like I didn't at all" I looked around my room as I stretched and noticed that my phone is in my bed -why is it- "oh right I fell asleep texting Oikawa" as soon as I realized what I had just said my face started to heat up

"Aww my baby boy is already blushing so early in the morning, did you have a wet dream"

My face now turned bright red all from the embarrassment she is putting me through "mom shut up" she just laughed with a bright smile "ok son well go take a shower and get ready while I make breakfast". I quickly swung my feet over the bed and quickly made my way to the closet before she could say anything else to embarrass me anymore then I already am.

"What should I wear today"

I stood there staring at my clothes for a few minutes till I decided that I dont want to get all dressed up so I a pair of shorts with a tank top and a pair of shoes that I thought went good with my outfit and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stood there staring at my clothes for a few minutes till I decided that I dont want to get all dressed up so I a pair of shorts with a tank top and a pair of shoes that I thought went good with my outfit and made my way to the bathroom to take a...

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Once I was done with my shower and was dressed there was a knock on the door "hurry up and get done so I can give your sister a bath" with a smile I gather up my dirty clothes and put them in the dirty clothes basket and opened the door

"All ready for you"

Natus ran into the bathroom with a bright smile "thanks nii-san" I laughed as I went back to my room and grabbed all the things I needed then ran down stairs to eat my breakfast.

Just as I finished eating I heard a knock on the door so I grabbed my bag and my phone as I yelled out to my mom that I was leaving. I opened the door and saw Oikawa standing there kind of looking out of place which made me chuckle "morning" he smiled and took my bag without a word and headed back to his car

"morning, have you had breakfast"

I smiled to myself as I followed him and got in his car "I did have you" he closed my door and went around to the driver side and got in as he put my bag in the back and turned to look at me "I did but your hair is still dripping wet".

I touched my hair and realized that I didn't get the chance to dry it "oh would you look at that it is" he laughed as he turned back to the back seat to grab something then turned back to me with a towel in his hand.

"Here let me"

He put the towel over my head and started to dry my hair which of course made a light blush go across my face

"That should be good"

I didn't realize how close we were till he pulled the towel off of my head and saw that we were inches apart "I uh" we stared at each till my eyes drifted to his lips "I uhh" before I knew it our lips were touching and I was slowly closing my eyes.

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