Chapter 25

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~~3rd POV~~

After about an hour of crying in Kenma and Kuroo's arms Hinata had fallen asleep "I'll take him to his room" Kenma nodded and watched his mate pick him up and carry him upstairs

"haven't seen Sho cry like that in a while"

With that said he sanked into my couch with a long sign "need to make sure he isn't found" he out up the TV remote to turn it on but just as he was about to turn it on the doorbell rang and he looked at the door with a long sign and got up with a groan

"Who the hell is it"

I swung the door open and saw Oikawa standing there looking stunned as he looked at me "you-you why are you here" Kenma out his hands on his hips as he glared at the alpha

"that's my line"

They said good there staring at each other till Kuroo came down stairs "Chibi is asleep, it took some time but I found his-" he stopped talking when he saw Kenma standing at the front door with it wide open and him standing in his sassy stance

"Baby what's wrong"

He walked to Kenma till he saw Okiawa "ahh it's you" said alpha looked at Kuroo and glared "the hell you doing here" Kenma growled "you can't talk to him like that only I can" he stomped one foot but stopped when Kuroo put his hand on top of his head

"Easy now little kitten, we are in his mates house so it's expected"

Kenma gasped as he looked at his mate "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY" Kuroo chuckled as he put his finger to his omegas mouth to hush him "he's asleep in his bed keep your voice down" Kenma licked his finger in reply before storming off to the living room

"Let's talk in the kitchen"

Oikawa nodded and shoved passed Kuroo and headed to the kitchen while Kuroo stood there looking at him "couldn't you have waited till I moved" he walked to the kitchen to see the alpha sitting on the counter drinking a Capri Sun

"you weren't moving in time so I had shove past you"

Kuroo took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down "now again why the hell are you in my mates house" he stared at Kuroo and watched as he hopped up on the counter across from him

"Since Hinata suddenly disappeared me and Kenma have been trying to find him and we found this good private detective and she found Hinata for us"

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