Chapter 23

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I yawned as I sat up in bed and looked at the clock on my wall "noon huh, I slept in pretty late" with a smile I swung my feet over the edge if my bed and put my slippers on as I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs into the kitchen where I found it empty 

-hmmm mom must have token Natsu out shopping like she promised-

With a smile I went over to the fridge to see what I could eat but just as I opened the fridge door my phone went off so I went over to it and saw that it was an unknown number -I shouldn't answer it but I'm board so I will- I closed the fridge door and leaned down on the island and answered it

"Hello who is this"

"Come now you don't remember your own vest friends voice"

I quickly stood up with fear running through me as I looked around the kitchen as I heard the familiar but yet unrecognizable voice

"Wh-who is this"

"Really Shoyo"

I sighed in relief as I finally figured out who the voice belonged to "damn it Kuroo" he started to laugh as I heard Kenma's chuckling in the background

 "how did you get my-" 

Before I could even finish my sentence the doorbell ring which also made me jump "hold on someone's at my door" with a sigh I went to the front door and without thinking I opened but dropped my phone as I was tackled to the floor by a smiling Kenma

"How did you guys find me"

Kuroo pulled Kenma off of me and helped me up "not that hard when you have the right amount of money" I looked as I picked up my phone and watched as he dusted himself off

"We brought coffee, milk and doughnuts so your going to tell us what happened and why you left like you did"

I sighed as I stepped to the side to let them in "it's a long story so let's go sit down in into living room" they nodded and walked in 

"by they Sho you are too reckless for being home alone"

Kuro ruffled my hair as we walked by me "wait how how you know I was home alone" kenma chuckled again as he sat down on the couch while kuroo set up the doughnuts "like I said anything can be done when you have the right amount of money" I sighed as I went into the kitchen and got 3 cups then went back to the living room and set them down on the coffee table next to the doughnuts 

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