Chapter 1

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~~Hinata's POV~~

When I woke up I noticed that I wasn't in my room so I sat up and looked around "this isn't my room" I got toy he edge of the bed and swung my feet over the edge and went to get up but as I did I noticed my slippers then I remembered everything "oh right we're on a family vacation".

With a smile I put my slippers on made my way down stairs "oh Shoyo dear I was just about to send your sister up to wake up" I smiled and stretched "no I'm up so what's for breakfast she smiled "pancakes, eggs and sausage".

I smiled and grabbed a plate and put some food on it and sat down next to Natsu who just finished eating "sweetie go take a shower and get ready for a day out" she nodded as she got up and ran for her room

"Mom you do know it won't take her long to realize what you did"

She looked up from her plate and sighed "honey your father was abusive towards you and me plus he left us for some stanky omega slut" I looked down at my plate "while you and Natsu are out and about I'll look for a school with a good volleyball team".

She nodded her head and went back to eat just like me but as I was about take my bite she started talking again "don't think I haven't seen what that so called boyfriend of yours has been doing to you".

I looked at her with a surprise look "you aren't as good as hiding them as you think you are" I smiled and nodded "thank you mom" Natsu came down and quickly took a seat "so mom what are we doing today".

I saw the innocent sweet smile that was on her face and it made me feel guilty and sad "well you and mom are going out and I'm going to look for a school for us".

As a plate was placed in front of her "eat up sweetie we have a big day ahead of us" she quickly ate.

Once they left I gathered up the dishes and cleaned them all -I wonder how the team is doing without me, do they even care that I left- I started to remember what they were saying in the group chat before we left which made me have a few tears

"they didn't care about me even when I was on team or when Kageyama was hitting me".

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