Chapter 24

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~~Hinata's POV~~

The minute I sat down Kenma demanded that tell him so I made myself a glass of milk and leaned back in the love seat "I'll just start from the beginning"

~~flash back~~

I woke up the sounds of my mom crying so I quickly got up out of bed and went to my parents room where my dad was just walking out of the room "move you filthy omega" he harshly pushed me into the way knocking the air out of me as he walked down to the living to grab his car keys and left to go to the bar.

Once he was gone and I had gotten my breath back I pushed myself off of the wall and went into their room where I saw my mom sitting on the floor crying into her hands so I knelt down in front of her and watched her

"Mom did he hurt you against"

She looked up at me and I saw the bruise forming over her eyes so I quickly got up and ran down to the kitchen to get a bag of frozen peas then quickly ran back up the stairs to her and gently put the bag on her eye which of course made her hiss

"How could have been blessed with such an amazing son as you"

She smiled and gently put her on my cheek "dont worry about me you need to get your sister and you ready for school and i'll drive you both" with a small nod I stood up and went to my sisters room where she was snoring the morning away

~~time skip~~

After I got both of us ready I got my school bag and went to the front door "remember Nat listen to mom and behave at school" she nodded as ruffled her hair then walked out of the house to my bike and rode it to school.

Once I got to school and rode to the bike rack "I thought I told you I wanted you come to school early" I looked over at my boyfriend Kageyama and watched as he strided over to me and roughly pulled me off of my bike and dragged me our spot behind the school

"Dont have a lot of time because of your slow ass"

He ripped my bag off of me and shoved me against the wall and pinned my arms above my head and slammed his lips against mine as he put his knee between my legs and made sure to rub my member to make me moan

Without any hesitation he thrusted his tongue in my mouth and started to roughly French kiss me while one of his hands slide down my body and harshly squeezed my ass and I yelped in pain which made him pull away and slap me

"You aren't supposed to in pain your supposed to love it"

He slid his hand down the back of my pants and without any warning or any kind of wetness he slammed his finger in me making me arch my back let out a silent scream as my eyes started to water

"Yea you slut you like that don't you"

I looked at his with tears and shook my head "n-no Kag I-" before I could even finish saying what I wanted to he wrapped his hand around my neck and started to squeeze so hard that I could breath

~~3rd POV~~

Kageyama watches as the omega starched his arm and struggled to get his hand free from around his neck as he was harshly thrusting his fingers in and out of him

"Omega's are meant to serve us alpha's"

Just as Hinata was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen the alpha let go of him and watched as he fell to the ground coughing and trying to catch his breath "this makes me hard" he smirked as he started to undo his pants and pulled the omega up off of the ground by hair and shoved his face into the wall with his ass out

~•time skip•~

Once the omega woke screaming and terrified a bunch of people came into the room he was sleeping in and held him down while someone else stated him

"Shoyo Hinata I'm doctor Remus your safe now your in a hospital in the omega care unit"

His breathing started to slow down as he looked around and his heart rate started to slow down to a calm pase as he looked at the doctor 

"Your volleyball vice captain found you passed out behind your school with signs of rape but luckily you weren't"

The tears started to flood out as he looked at the doctor "your mom and sister is in the hall waiting for you, would you like to see" he looked at doctor and choked on a sob as he nodded because he's afraid to speak 

With a small nod in response the doctor went to the door and watched and told the mom that they could come in but before he could the little alpha ran in crying as she went straight to her brothers side

~~flash back ends~~

I looked at Kuroo and Kenma with tears "do you know why my mom was crying that day" they shook their heads as they held back the tears 

"when I got back from school my father was ready to sell my to the Kageyama family"

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