Chapter 13

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~~Hinata's POV~~

As we pulled apart from the quick kiss I opened my eyes and touched my lips with a light blush "I know you felt it to" I looked at him as he started to drive off

"that your my mate"

He glanced at me with a smirk "yes" I nodded "yes, in fact I heard it" he smiled "I heard it to" I looked down at my lap while playing with my fingers "how about we talk about this another time" I looked up at him

"we'll both be to occupies throughout the whole day thinking about each other"

As he stopped at a stop light he turned to me and moved a strain of my hair from my face "not like I already talk about 24/7 already" I felt my face go brighter which made him chuckle.

~~time skip~~

Once the bell for lunch rang and I stood up from desk "hey cutie wanna join us" I looked up to see a group of alphas standing there with lust in their eyes and smirks plastered on their faces

"Sorry but he already has plans"

Kentaro pulled me behind him and I latched onto the back of his shirt "I'll say again he has plans" he let out a small growl which pissed the guess off but they just walked away while saying "we're not done".

When the were out of sight I let out a loud sigh of relief "thanks Kentaro" he gave me the best impression of a smile as he could "told you better I'll protect you" I smiled.

We walked out of the classroom and headed to the caffatira "so uhh I found my mate" he looked down at me "that's great who is it" I blushed and looked away


He smiled and looked back ahead "I figured you were his mate" I moved out of the way for some people as I looked at him "How did you know" he put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.

"The way you 2 look at each and how you 2 are always around each other"

I smiled as we walked into the caffatira and went to wait in line to get our food


I jumped high when I heard a deep and quite voice in my ear and I turned to see who it was and I saw Oikawa

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