Chapter 10

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~~Hinata's POV~~

As we pulled up to my house I got out and waved him bye then walked into the house "how did everything go" I smiled at my mom and showed her my new phone "we are having company over tomorrow so make sure to clean your room and the living" I looked at her "wasn't the living room clean".

She sighed and put her cheek in her hand as she handed me my phone back "your sister got ahold of candy and went nuts" I groaned "I thought we put it all up where she couldn't reach it" she shrugged then I remembered something.

"Mom how do you know if you meet your mate"

Her eyes quickly opened and looked at me "Shoyo did you find your mate" I took my bag off and went to the dining room to do my homework

"I don't know all I know is that on the way back from eating at a dinner it was just me and my friend and I heard this voice call "mate""

She smiled and jumped up and down while clapping "you your mate" I froze and looked at her "really" she nodded as I smiled a little to myself then went back to pulling my homework out "when do I get to meet him".

I slowly turned to her "your not meeting him anytime soon" she pouted "why not".

"because you'll embarrass me and it's not time"

She stood straight up and nodded "that is true" I smiled as she ruffled my hair and left to go try and get my sister to calm down.

~~Oikawa's POV~~

I sighed as I pulled up into my driveway "I fucking can't believe it" I put my forehead on the steering wheel "that little ball of sunshine is my mate".

With a sigh I got out of my car with my bag in hand and headed up to my house but as I walked in my nephew ran up to me and hugged me which was out of character "thank you" I was even more confused.

I was about to ask him what he meant till I heard laughter coming from somewhere s idk not my bag down and made him get off of me as I followed the sound of laughter.

It lead to the living room where I saw my mom and older sister sitting there talking it up like nothing "good to see that you finally joined us" I leaned against the wall with my arms over my chest as I looked at her.

"oh come on baby brother dont be like that"

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