Chapter 16

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~~Hinata's POV~~

I didnt realize how close we were till I looked up and saw that our faces was inches apart from each other my face instaly went bright red and I backed up

"uhh yea I was just, uhh I was just shaking off a thought I had"

He leaded back with his hands on his hips with a smirk

"Oh yea and what kind of thought was it"

I looked away as I backed up as much as I could till my back hit the wall "well I was uhh" I was doing everything I could to not look at him. Without any warning he trapped me between him and the wall as he grabbed my chin and turned my head to where I was looking at him

"Come on my little tangarine tell me"

The way his eyes was staring at me made me get lost in them and I felt my legs going weak

"I thinking about how you liked the way I decorsated my room and how youll like the way I decorate our house"

-why did I just plurte it out like that-

He chuckled "well of course I like it" he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me close to him "your my beatiful mate and anything you do will always look beaitful" he leaned in and kissed me.

I was surporsied at first but soon melted into the kiss "you taste as amazing as I thought you did" I looked into his eyes we pulled apart "how about we cuddle and watch a movie" I couldnt trust myself to talk so I just nodded.

~~time skip~~

We were able to finsh one movie before we heard his mom call out to him so we untangled ourselves and got up from my extreamly warm and comfatable bed and made our way down stairs.

Where we found my mom in pj's along with Natsu and a very tired looking Takeru (Oikawa's nephew)

"What happened to him"

"Natsu warn him out"

Oikawa then started to laugh "thats funny, nothing or no one can wear that boy out like that before" he turned to me as he wiped some invisble tears away

"your sister must be magic or something"

I stiffled a laugh

"she's very good at wearing people down it's her speaclifty"

It was my moms turn to laugh "yea right, you were worse then she was" I gasped and looked at her "exscue me I was nothing like her" she bent over laughing hard as she grabbed her stomach while.

I looked at Oikawa and shook my head as I crossed my arms over my chest with a small pout and waited for her to finsh her little laughing fit

"Sorry to burst your bubble son but you were so much worse then your sister"

I huffed as I puffed my cheeks out and looked the way other "your so freaking cute" I looked up at Oikawa as he kissed my cheek and poked my nose "I have to go my lovely so behave" my arms fell to my side as I blushed but slowly nodded

"Ok I will"

~~3rd POV~~

No one noticed someone watching everything through a camera as they took pictures of everything that was happening

"my client will be very pleased with these picutres I got"

They put the camera down adn slowly started to go through the pictures to make sure the qulaity of them was perfect

"Though I kind of feel bad about this"

The person looked back up and saw the brunet leave the house with his mom and nephew "no this perfect" they started to chuckle as they started to take more pictures but made sure to took a lot of the little orange haird omega that is they're target

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