Chapter 21

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~~Hinata's POV~~

Once we had finished eating Oikawa took me by the hand and lead me out to the car "now we're are going to our next part of the date" I looked at him and titled my head "second part" he smiled and nodded as he held open the car door for me

"after you"

I blushed as I got in and watched as he closed the door and walked around the car so he could get in "what's the other part" he didn't say anything just put the keys in the ignition and started the car before pulling out and drove towards out of town.

To say the least I was getting nervous and even more nervous the dither he drove into the woods "wh-where are we going" I felt the palms of my hands start to sweat and I jumped when I felt his hand being placed on my thigh

"Calm down baby I won't do anything"

He stopped the car and when I looked up from his hand I saw a blanket laid out with a basket, some pillows and other blankets "welcome to our star gazing picnic" I smiled and felt all of the nervousness that I had leave me.

"Oh baby this is amazing"

He got out and quickly went around the car and opened the door for me and helped me out of the car "oh baby you didn't have to do this" he smiled and held me close to him while he closed the car door

"oh but I did, I want my baby to have the best of everything"

I smiled and held his hand as I walked over to the blanket "if I had known about this I would have dresses to the occasion" he let go of my hand so we could sit down "it's ok baby I like it like this better" he grabbed one of the blankets and covered my legs with it

"I looked at the weather and it's not supposed to be cold tonight but I brought the blankets just in case"

I kissed his cheek "what's in the basket" he chuckled and started to pull everything out, there was different cheese's, crackers some sliced ham and what looked like wine "is that wine" he shook his head no "nope just Sparkling Peach cider" I smiled as he pulled out 2 wine glasses

"But these are wine glasses"

With a chuckle I took one from him and watched as he opened the cider and poured some in our cups "I know we just ate but the  cheese and crackers and a snack for when we get hungry" I took a sip of the cider and leaned against him and looked at the sky and watched the sky turns colors as the sunsets

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