Chapter 18

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~~Oikawa’s POV~~

-the hell is this doing here-

I heard the shower turn off so I put the camera in my pocket and left his room before he could see me snooping around in his room

-why would she have a camera in his room, how did she even get in his room-

I shook my head and headed back down stairs -should I tell mom- I stopped in the middle of the stairs and sighed 

-no because she wont believe me anyways-

I continued my way down the stairs -I'll have a emengcy meeting the everyone but I'll have to make sure that Hinata isn't there or knows about it- with a nod I went to the living and grabbed my phone from my bag and messged Iwaizumi and told him to tell everyone but Hinata that there is an emegnacy meeting and to not let him know about it

-ok that should do it-

With my phone phone in my pocket I headed to the kitchen to to get a drink and to wait for HInata to come down and eat

~~Hinata’s POV~~

After my shower I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and went to over to the counter with a smile

 -well he didn't say anything about the kiss so I guess it's ok

I then got dressed and walked into my room and gather everything I need for school then headed out of my room and down stairs but stopped on the top and went back into my room to grab my bag

“cant forget this”

With a smile I went back to heading down stairs and to the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Oikawa sitting at the table with a mug in his hand as he looked at me with a smile and a light blush

“you absolutely beautiful”

I gripped the strap of my bag with a blush forming on my face “th-thank you” he smiled and sat up in his chair “come eat before we’re late for school” I nodded and sat and started to eat.

I gripped the strap of my bag with a blush forming on my face “th-thank you” he smiled and sat up in his chair “come eat before we’re late for school” I nodded and sat and started to eat

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~~time skip~~ 

As the lunch bell rang I gather my stuff up and put them in my bag and looked at Kentarō who was just giving his usual scowl as he looked at his phone “you ready to get lunch” I smiled and nodded

“the others will be joining us a little since they have an assigment they need to finish before the end of school"

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