03 | Turn of the Century

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"You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic," Merlin begins as he sets a small, box-like object with rounded edges down on the table before him. He opens it and the item immediately lights up with a magical hologram, "Once, the realms of magic and man clashed in endless bloodshed. King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword."

As he speaks, the hologram depicts images of the events.

"Including myself and Morgana le Fay..." Douxie adds, crossing his arms. His mind wanders to Anthea. She fought too, but he couldn't bring himself to say her name.

"Morgana was the finest student I ever taught—" Merlin continues, the holograph flickers and displays the golden-armored sorceress— "Until she tried to kill me. Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon: the Trollhunter Amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge."

Douxie frowns. Does the old wizard really still think of Morgana as his best student? What about Anthea? What about him?

"This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magic," The master wizard rambles on, "But he eludes my memory. I do not know what connection he could have to Morgana. Nor know not what he is or why he pursues us. Though, his presence is a dire omen of things to come."

"Like what?" Steve asks as the castle quakes, knocking almost everyone off their feet.

"Like that!" Hisirdoux replies as the castle begins to tilt.

"What's happening?" Claire yells, steadying the magic brick containing Jim.

"Have you never been under attack before?" Merlin snips, his tone erring on the edge of disbelief before turning to ___, "To the battlements!"

The elder wizard moves quickly towards a balcony with Claire, Toby, and Douxie hot on his heels. As soon as they step outside, they are greeted, nearly face-to-face, with a ominous, skull-like castle three times the size of Camelot.

"I think we have something of a problem," Archie mumbles, landing on Douxie's shoulder.

"No kidding," Douxie replies, breathless.

"The Arcane Order..." Merlin's eyes widen from fear, something Douxie has seen very little of, "They found us. Everyone, get to safety, now!"

He shoos everyone back into the castle and begins to summon his magic for a defensive attack. Before he's able to finish the spell a chunk of ice knocks his staff from his hand, sending it right over the edge of the railing.

"I've got it!" Archie yells as he dives over the edge of the building.

Merlin grunts as Douxie helps him back to his feet. Once the master wizard is on his feet, he barks out orders for the knights below then turns to Douxie and holds out the small oval-like box he used just moments ago, "We must flee! Hisirdoux, guide us to safety."

"On it!" Douxie nods, taking the box from his master's outstretched hand and darting for the stairs.

Once he reaches the top, he grabs a hold of a ship-like helm in the center of the tower and yanks on the wheel. As the tower slowly begins to turn away from their attackers, Douxie watches Merlin and all the others attempt to defend Camelot.

The castle lurches and several shouts from the knights rise from below.

"They're boarding us!" Merlin calls, still staffless, "We must break free! Steer us clear at my command!"

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