19 | The Storm

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Everything is as it should be, Douxie notes, Just as Merlin said it would be. Nothing has changed.

"Welcome back to the 21st Century!" The boy wizard announces as soon as the time rift closes behind them. It feels good to be back in their own time. It feels right.

"Ah! Sweet, sweet pollution!" Steve grins, taking a deep breath and choking.

Yes, it does feel good to be back even if it means some terrible things will come to pass.

In the midst of their half-celebrated return, Jim groans and collapses to his knees. The shard in his chest seems to glow green and sink further in.

Merlin warned of this and now that he is now longer encased in the magic amber, the onyx shard is on a direct course for the once-human boy's heart. And that isn't their only issue.

The threat of the Arcane Order still lurks over them like an ominous storm cloud reading to burst forth waves of lightning at any moment. They must return to Merlin immediately to help defend present-day Camelot.

Douxie quickly maneuvers the flying boat towards the sideways castle Camelot. At this rate, the ancient building will crash to the ground, killing everyone in it and under it unless Douxie can do something.

You can't save everyone. A voice rings in his ear. Save who you can.

Douxie snaps his head toward the voice and finally catches a glimpse of a small figure, glowing gold with magic. A faery. He thought they were extinct. How is there one here right now?

She motions back towards the castle. Save who you can.

Douxie nods. He can save Merlin and their other friends, but the knights that were manning the battlements below he can do nothing about. It upsets him that he can't save everyone, but he is just one person after all.

As he steers the ship closer to Camelot, he notices Merlin and the others hanging on to whatever they can for dear life. Acting quickly, Douxie steers the ship under them.

"Need a lift?" He calls, unable to hide a small grin.

"Douxie!" Archie cries, landing on the boy's shoulder, "But you were trapped in the past."

"Yes, we were," Douxie replies as the others land on the boat, "But we aren't anymore."

"It took you long enough," Merlin says sounding less than happy.

Indeed their current situation isn't the best, but the old man can at least act like it's nice to see them return safely to their own time.

Jim yells in pain once more, pulling the attention away from everyone's not-so-heartfelt reunion.

"Jimbo!" Toby calls, rushing to his best friend's side, "What happening?"

"The shard is moving closer to his heart," Claire replies, looking ready to have another breakdown.

Douxie frowns and begins to steer the ship away from Camelot, "I'm getting everyone home safe-"

"Not yet!" Merlin interjects, placing a hand on Douxie's shoulder, "We're missing one."

"Who are we missing?" Douxie questions, holding the boat steady as Camelot sinks lower and lower in the sky.

They need to get out from under the castle unless they want it to take them down with it.

"Nari," Merlin replies. His eyes are trained on the body of Camelot.

Nari? But wasn't she part of the Arcane Order? Douxie questions silently. He doesn't remember seeing her before they had their time incident.

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