10 | Nimue

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"Do you think Merlin's plan will work?" Claire asks, leaning against the railing of the boat. A thick tome about shadow magic is tucked away under her arm.

Douxie sighs as he steps beside her, "I messed up the timelines-"

"We, Douxie," Claire interrupts, "We've messed up the timelines. You can't keep blaming yourself for everything bad that happens."

Douxie huffs. He knows she's right but he doesn't want to admit it.

"We've run out of options," He continues, correcting himself to keep her from cutting him off again, "And my decisions haven't exactly worked out lately."

"Then we can't make any more mistakes. So, we've got to trust Merlin," Claire finishes before staring off toward the foggy horizon, "I just hope Jim is alright."

Douxie sighs as he follows her eyes. It's his fault that she's so stressed out. She's experienced almost as much as he has and she's not even nineteen yet let alone a millennia.

He pats her on the back, "I'm sure he's nestled safely in the bosom of friendly trolls."

Steve snorts, butting into their conversation unintentionally, "Bosom."

The two roll their eyes at him as Anthea steps over.

"How are you all faring?" She questions, scratching behind her new familiar's ears.

"We could be better," Douxie replies, turning to face her.

"I can tell," She replies, offering them a warm smile, "You all seem to have been through quite a lot, even outside of this whole temporal predicament you are in. I just hope we can return you to your original time before it's too late."

"Thank you," Claire nods, reaching up to pet Anthea's kitten.

Anthea nods in response then leans over a little to allow Claire to pet the small familiar, "I would offer to let you hold her, but our bond hasn't grown strong enough yet."

"That's alright," Claire replies, "I'm content just petting her. What's her name?"

"Tryamour," Anthea responds simply.

"That's a wonderful name."

Anthea grins, petting the kitten, "Yes, she was born with it."

Suddenly, Merlin clears his throat.

"Prepare to land," He announces, cutting off the conversation, "We've arrived."

Claire gazes up at their foggy surroundings with an air of awe, "I can't believe that the Lady is real."

"She's very real," Douxie replies, following the others to the bow of the boat, "It's just that Merlin has been the only one allowed to meet with her until now."

"Her power is beyond your comprehension," Merlin snaps, with a serious expression, "You're far too young and inexperienced to understand why only I am allowed to meet with her."

"But, wasn't it from her waters that you helped the king retrieve Excalibur and unite Camelot?" Anthea questions, "If that is so, that isn't too hard to understand."

Merlin exhales impatiently as he docks the boat against an old pier, "That is not the only reason. You are here for a reason Anthea, you may be the only person that can persuade the Lady to help us."

"Why? Did you do something?" Anthea accuses making the elder wizard bristle up and frown.

"You will see in due time."

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