18 | Homeward Bound

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"Do not fret, Merlin. You'll find a new apprentice to replace him. Are people not dispensable, after all?" Morgana questions, throwing stronger magic at the boy she once looked at as a younger brother.

"Enough," Merlin calls, growing indignant, "You've had your fun, Morgana. Hisirdoux has done nothing to you."

The witch raises a brow, "Really now? He has done nothing?"

Merlin watches helplessly as she continues to force his son against the stone.

"Last I checked, he turned on me for Arthur's tyranny!"

"Morgana! You must understand," Merlin pleads, "It was for the good of all."

The witch grits her teeth and throws a blast at the old man. Hisirdoux falls to his knees and pulls his injured arm to his torso.

"The good of all?" Morgana spits bitterly, "You mean the good of those born of flesh and blood, those who fear magic!"

"Morgana," Merlin says in a dangerously low tone, "You are too blind to see past your own anger. I gave the amulet to the trolls of Dwoza for their own protection!"

"Lies!" She yells, getting in the elder sorcerer's face. As she screams curses at him, Douxie recovers. Though, he's still very much in pain.

As he stands shakily, Archie flies above him. Miraculously appearing just when the boy wizard needs him the most.

"Arch," Hisirdoux calls, "Light me!"

Morgana turns when she hears his callout. However, she doesn't react fast enough to stop the blue flames from surrounding her. Then, while she's distracted by the flames, Douxie casts another enchantment locking her in place so that Merlin can seal her away.

"Hurry! I can't hold her that long!" He cries to his now free mentor. He can feel Morgana quickly escaping his grasp.

It doesn't matter how hard he tries to hold on, he knows she is going to break free unless Merlin can seal her.

Merlin nods and stands with some difficulty, "You've lost yourself, Morgana! Bound to dark magic. I have no choice but to seal you away!"

He raises his arms and begins the sealing spell. However, as he is about to finish it, Morgana breaks free, tossing both wizards back. Douxie finds his feet quickly and rushes to Merlin's side.

"She's too powerful," The elder man gasps and holds his chest, "You have to finish this alone."


"Finish it!"

Hisirdoux stands and turns back to Morgana. The sorceress looks beyond mad.

"I will destroy you all!" She calls. Her words are filled with venom, "No matter what it takes, no matter where you go, I will end all that you love until you feel my agony!"

Her sharp words fill the cavern, making Douxie wish he had cotton in his ears to block her out. He never realized how shrill her voice could get. Then again, he has never seen Morgana so wrathful before. Her anger is probably the most extreme thing he has ever experienced in his life. Which is quite an achievement.

Douxie takes a deep breath to calm himself and to block out the witch as much as possible. Then, he casts his mentor's sealing spell, "Sigilia infractum! Causera!"

As he's casting the spell, he feels a surge of magic beside him. Then he sees Claire still in her full armor. Jim is standing beside her, slightly out of breath. The onyx shard in his chest must be taking a toll on him.

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