05 | The Slor

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Douxie found it relatively easy to knock his past self out and hide him in the large and thankfully empty armoire where he spilt the Slor juice, even with his younger self falling out a couple of times and with Archie making a few snide remarks every time. Though, if the feline didn't, where would Douxie be in the present?

The nine-hundred-year-old apprentice rolls his eyes at Archie's latest comment and enters his master's old tower. However, instead of a peaceful workplace, he finds Merlin and Morgana in a heated debate about the fate of the magical kind. Douxie nearly forgot that these almost daily arguments occurred.

"We spell-casters should be fleeing to the Wild Wood, not slaving away for that fool!" Morgana yells, slamming her fists down on the wooden table between her and Merlin.

"Mind your tongue, Morgana," The older wizard scolds, standing abruptly. He picks up a few pieces of the amulet he is trying to create before he continues, "You speak treason against our king!"

Douxie purses his lips and continues his way around the room, picking up objects to look as though he is cleaning as he gets closer to the Time Map. He hopes that Merlin doesn't notice how out of place he feels and probably looks.

"I speak the truth," Morgana returns, "After all Arthur's done, why build this amulet for him?"

"It's not just for him," Merlin replies, "It's for all of us. Gunmar's war is a threat to everyone, not just Camelot. The amulet will put an end to it."

"And what if it doesn't?"

"The amulet will put an end to the war," Merlin reiterates as he summons every piece of the amulet together with a spell. However, just as the pieces touch, they spring apart, scattering across the room at record speeds.

Morgana crosses her arms smugly and gives Merlin the I-told-you-so look.

Merlins scowl, "Blast it all! Hisirdoux, stop gawking about and give me a hand with those raw ores over there!"

Douxie glances at the Time Map and sighs. He drops the books he was carrying on the large stone table and picks up the chunks of ore that Merlin wants. Then, he hurriedly brings them up to the elder wizard and sets them down on the table before taking a step back. He had nearly forgotten how stressed the elder man had been when he was first trying to create the Trollhunters' amulet.

Morgana sighs, "How many more failures before you realize this amulet of yours is pointless?"

"I hear your concerns, but trust me, the amulet will bring peace."

"At the cost of all we hold dear!" Morgana snaps, causing every loose object in the room to suddenly float and glow with the aura of her golden magic, "How long before he comes for us? You're a fool, Merlin, an old one at that."

The princess storms out of the room, allowing everything to plummet toward their original places. However, instead of landing perfectly in place, many objects just bounce on their surfaces and fall to the floor creating a mess.

Douxie sighs and turns to his master with his hand raised for a high-five, "Oh, forget her. We've got this, right?"

Merlin stares at it for a moment before glaring at Hisirdoux, "What is this strangeness? Put your hand down."

"It- it's a high-five. It's a sign of victory amongst barbarian tribes." Douxie stutters, making it up as he goes, "It's a new thing."

Archie taps the lens with his paw and looks up at Douxie with an unimpressed look, "Human customs are terribly odd."

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